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Premium Badge Clarification!

Hello everyone! We'd like to address and clarify some confusion surrounding the Premium Badge features and their relation to the Monthly Shops!

What Perks do Premium Badges give you?
  • +1 Bonus Spin Point for Pai's Machine of Wonders each month you have premium activated, spin points do not expire!
  • +2 Outfit Save Slots
  • +10 Trades Market Lots at once
  • +1 Potato Bonus tasks per day
  • +1 Stat Boost tasks per day
  • +1 Town Hop per day
  • +2 Max items from minigames per day
  • +2000 potatoes max from minigames per day
  • +2000 potatoes max from forum posts per day
  • Free access to premium undergarments in the wardrobe while Premium is activated

Note: Perks may be adjusted/added to as time goes on! We will update everyone if we adjust/add new perks in the future.

We realize there was some misinformation present in the notification users got when they activated premium prior to July 1st.

This was the notification users got:

As part of your premium member perks, you have received this month's bonus point for the premium shop. Remember to claim an item before it expires!

The notification should say:
As part of this month's premium member perks, you have received 1 bonus spin point for Pai's Machine of Wonders. All spin points go towards getting a bonus free item claim!

We completely understand that this may change some user's views on whether or not they would currently want premium, so we'd like to offer a turnip currency refund to any user who used their premium badge before July 1st, 2020 and would like it refunded.

Send in a ticket in order to:
  1. Get your premium status cancelled.
  2. Get a refund in Turnips for the same amount as the cost of the Premium Badge you used.

We do have a backlog of tickets at the moment, but we promise to get to everyone soon, no ticket will be missed!

Additionally, there was a bug prior to July 1st in which bonus spin points were not being rewarded yet. We've added +1 spin point for Pai's shop to everyone who activated premium prior to July 1st 2020!

We apologize for the confusion and appreciate all of the patience and support as we get these early site launch issues straightened out! snailalt.gifheartpinkalt.gif


  • Villager Dante (#18112) 2 Jul 2020, 5:58 am
    This is not enough
  • Villager Winter (#246) 2 Jul 2020, 7:10 am
    I'm a little disappointed you don't actually get a free item or a free spin. I had thought about getting premium but probably won't now if I can't use the item reward. At least I can save money on it.

    Gambling/real-currency gacha is something I don't spend on because I'm very careful with money and always do the math to find out the realistic probabilities of everything I pay for so that I know exactly what I'm buying and what the best alternative is (I hope others learn to do the same but I know that not everyone took a stats class), so I'd never get to use the premium bonus because the odds of the gacha are so bad compared to the bundle price.

    ...It's also illegal in my partner's country, among a number of others, so making rewards contingent on loot crate mechanics locks a lot of people out of supporting it based on region :c
  • Villager Remus (#555) 2 Jul 2020, 7:43 am
    I got a month premium badge for potatoes but now I'm really glad I didn't buy turnips for it as I was considering since uh... I can't use the 'spin point' (which you know. it's really not a typo but something completely different from what was promised) without spinning a rlc gacha which is illegal in my country so.... unless i want to break the law i can't access it :')
  • Villager Cerb (#1643) 2 Jul 2020, 9:53 am
    Hmm. I am suddenly very grateful that I was unable to buy premium currency prior to this news post.

    I had decided to use my limited spending funds on the launch bundle rather than turnips as the benefits for premium users... was not fully listed. I can see now why that was. Now that an "oops" has effectively removed the only worthwhile feature of premium, the rest of the features don't come close to justifying the cost. :L I had held out hope that the point was a bug, but....

    It's great that users who activated their premium accounts before today (and, really, shouldn't it be prior to this news post?) are being offered full turnip refunds, but most- if not all- users who will be asking for a refund bought turnips specifically for premium. What are they to do with the turnips, that can't even be traded, when they're out actual real-life currency?

    "This ain't it, chief."
  • Villager Faizh (#17146) 2 Jul 2020, 10:26 am
    pho (#20408) (#20408)
    Thanks for the short explanation, I was very confused but at the same time I felt a obligation that I needed to understand.
  • Villager Faizh (#17146) 2 Jul 2020, 10:39 am
    Well... lets go.
    I know that I will only say what everyone already pointed but... cash gacha? I thought that the potatoes was enough although I'm not in favor of this system as the trades market already pointed with the under priced items of desperate people selling 600P spin's items for less, but cash gacha is basically what gamers of all kind just hate.
    There is no way to expect support from players to a system like this. I'm definitely tired of games that use systems that look alike because in the course of time it turns in a elitist, demotivating and inaccessible area of the game to the most, even if the prices are initially low because hello, not everyone here is get paid in dollar, not even live in a developed country!
    I'm not trying to punch you guys from the development part because I know ''the site is knew, we are learning, etc etc'' and I understand it a lot(really), but take this site's opening to rethink things like this because it can impact on things that you can regret tomorrow.

    Don't be Neopets, just saying.
  • Villager ochre (#20918) 2 Jul 2020, 10:39 am
    100% agreed with rockruff (#906)'s comment. This is feeling less and less like a petsite and more like a mobile gacha game with more steps (and admittedly very cute art).
  • Villager LexDivina (#12210) 2 Jul 2020, 10:43 am
    I will not be spending any more real money here. I cannot support a site like this. Have some morals.

    1. The spin point gets you a free spin and/or is removed as a feature entirely.
    2. The real money gatcha is removed.

    You will not be seeing a penny from me.
  • Villager Fendi (#8063) 2 Jul 2020, 11:20 am
    (My last comment looks like it was removed, so I'll add it back.)

    As someone prone to gambling addictions, I think the premium gacha is quite troublesome. I'm not comfortable spending money on a site that offers such things.

    Buying a set of listed out, known items is one thing, but I'd be asking for trouble by participating in a TWO DOLLAR premium gacha. It might not seem like a lot at first, but if you're someone like me, someone that feels the need to complete a set once I start it, and someone that craves that excitement of "one more time, maybe it's something good", that can add up very, very quickly. I've nearly been ruined by such things, and I'm very disappointed to see Dappervolk implementing this feature.

    It's quite predatory, considering how much of this site is made of of minors. It's also illegal in some countries, so some people might not even be able to use the feature if they wanted to without breaking the law.

    I hope they make some changes, I want to use this site, but this is making me very uncomfortable.
  • Villager Reno (#6868) 2 Jul 2020, 12:14 pm
    LMAOOOO imagine buying a premium membership to, not get a free spin, not get a free item, but ONE POINT TOWARDS A FREE SPIN.


    M O N T H
  • Villager Nhauna (#5104) 2 Jul 2020, 1:24 pm
    The overwhelming negative response should be an easy tell of what choices the staff left themselves with. Right now they seem to be headed down a long and painful death if they choose to take the easy way with gachas rather than trying to find better and more fair ways of premium item aquisition.

    If you want changes to the premium status and aquisition of rotating cash shop items, i cannot stress it enough, Do Not Buy Turnips Or Give Snail Games Money. Not supporting the site monetarily can help push decisions like this. Personally i dont have any heavy attachment to the site that i do many other games and thus i will not have the same enthusiasm to spend money here. If you are uncomfortable at all spending money, please dont feel obligated at all just because of things others might say. You are not less of a fan or supporter for not spending money on something you do not want.
  • Villager Reno (#6868) 2 Jul 2020, 1:47 pm
    Honestly I really hope DV staff doesn't just slap on the happy face and ignore this, if their next post starts with "Hello, world-hoppers!!" and doesn't address this issue I will go Buck Wild
  • Villager Ceruleanfire (#20293) 2 Jul 2020, 2:01 pm
    Good to see this clarified. Now I know for sure I won't be spending a penny here. :/
  • Villager Werewolf (#307) 2 Jul 2020, 3:01 pm
    Not getting premium again. As someone who was a KS backer this is kind of a slap in the face considering how much money I have put into the site before it was even open.
  • Villager BreezyBee (#22207) 2 Jul 2020, 3:05 pm
    Really disappointed about this. I'm a newbie and wasn't around for Kickstarter, Beta, etc..
    Bought a couple of the support bundles, because I wanted to support the site and was really impressed by a lot of things initially. Also got a month of premium just a couple of days ago, largely because of the shop point we were told we'd receive.
    Now, I wish I hadn't spent anything at all. This really comes across as

    No reason why there can't be a shop to buy these items for turnips. Hate this kind of thing, and a real money gacha just ain't it.
    Not to mention all of the issues with gambling and everything that has already been mentioned.

    Don't ignore your player base, especially so soon after launch.
    I have hopes that they'll turn this around and listen to the suggestions everyone is giving. Otherwise, I'm out.

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