Welcome to February!

Hello everyone! Welcome to February! We hope you're faring well on these new tides.
Our 56th month of limited shops has arrived:
February's theme is the Umbral Phantasm!

Rising from the sepulcher of the watery abyss, an unnatural facsimile of life finds its blissful returns.

See Full Item Previews here and in the Clothing Diary!
What are Turnips & Monthly Shops? Click here for information!

Pai's Shop of Wonders
Pai's Shop of Wonders is stocking these 9 Clothing Items for 200 turnips each.
A Chest containing 9 Pai items is also available for 1600 turnips ♦ 200 turnip discount!
Umbral Phantasm ♦ Thorny Growths, Tendrils, Cloak, Mane, Tendril Gown, Gown, Pants, Hollow Skin, Vaporous Skin

Agnes' Perpetual Shop
Agnes' Perpetual Shop stocks a chest that contains a set of Pai's 9 items for a discounted 1600 Turnips.

Oran's Emporium
Oran's Emporium is stocking these 9 items this month for 9,000 potatoes per spin!
Umbral Phantasm ♦ Thorny Growths, Tendrils, Cloak, Mane, Tendril Gown, Gown, Pants, Hollow Skin, Vaporous Skin
These monthly shop clothing items will run until the end of February 28th, after which they will be removed to house March's monthly items!
Our 56th month of limited shops has arrived:
February's theme is the Umbral Phantasm!

Rising from the sepulcher of the watery abyss, an unnatural facsimile of life finds its blissful returns.

See Full Item Previews here and in the Clothing Diary!
What are Turnips & Monthly Shops? Click here for information!

Pai's Shop of Wonders
Pai's Shop of Wonders is stocking these 9 Clothing Items for 200 turnips each.
A Chest containing 9 Pai items is also available for 1600 turnips ♦ 200 turnip discount!
Umbral Phantasm ♦ Thorny Growths, Tendrils, Cloak, Mane, Tendril Gown, Gown, Pants, Hollow Skin, Vaporous Skin

Agnes' Perpetual Shop
Agnes' Perpetual Shop stocks a chest that contains a set of Pai's 9 items for a discounted 1600 Turnips.

Oran's Emporium
Oran's Emporium is stocking these 9 items this month for 9,000 potatoes per spin!
Umbral Phantasm ♦ Thorny Growths, Tendrils, Cloak, Mane, Tendril Gown, Gown, Pants, Hollow Skin, Vaporous Skin
These monthly shop clothing items will run until the end of February 28th, after which they will be removed to house March's monthly items!

The Carnival continues it's frosty merriment, a distant ringing gallop sounds slowly, signalling something's arrival...

Carnival Duration: December 1st - February 28th

A wistful winter wind careens across the countryside. The sun shines brightly as the remaining frost clings to the earliest of saplings.

- You can start the quest "A Search for the Unknown" by going to Peddler's Port and clicking on Pai.
- There are 3 quests in total: A Search for the Unknown, Perusing the Constellation Library (Repeatable, available throughout the month), and Secrets of the Tomes (Unlocks after a number of days completing the previous quest)
- Agnes' Winter Boutique is open again for the month of February!
- Stocked are Ravan's items, with a new item available!
- Ravan's seasonal currency "Scrap of Knowledge" can be obtained from Pai's repeatable seasonal quest "Perusing the Constellation Library" as well as through several other regular site mechanics.

Visit the Theater and click on the "CHECK REWARDS" button to see the new rewards!

This month, the art development stream will take place on...

A status post with a link to the stream will be posted when it begins!
We'll be working on wishes from the Wishing Well thread.
Hope to see you there!
This month, the art development stream will take place on...

A status post with a link to the stream will be posted when it begins!
We'll be working on wishes from the Wishing Well thread.
Hope to see you there!
We're currently working on a post to summarize everything we accomplished in 2024 as well as outline our goals for 2025!
We're planning to bring some moderation and utility functions into the Official Dappervolk Discord Server in order to bring it more in line with our on site's rules and overall community atmosphere.
You might see some channels and roles getting shuffled around during this time as the server gets reworked and we welcome community feedback during this process!
We're also discussing user feedback around the Discord Server's management and how we want to move forward with it as a part of our official community and how we can update the rules to reflect that. More info on this will appear when we've made the relevant decisions.
Our art and writing teams are working on various future updates right now, including but not limited to new seasonal content, new permanent shops and npcs, future permanent and seasonal storylines. We're looking forward to getting to a point in which we can post teasers and status updates on each update!
We're working on our Trades Market revamp, Pet Accessory Market, and Customs Market coding now. Along the way, we're also taking care of various fixes and other updates as they come up!

As always, thank you so much for playing and supporting
Dappervolk. We'll be back with more updates soon!