Hey there, looks like you just wandered in. Why not have a look around and stay for a while, maybe even start your own adventure, if you're into that.

Rules of Conduct

In order for us to ensure an overall positive community experience, we require all Users to read our Rules of Conduct, which covers our rules, guidelines, and expectations regarding behavior and interactions onsite. By participating in the Dappervolk community, you agree to abide by the following Rules of Conduct; failure to do so may result in a loss of site privileges, or an account warning, suspension, or account closure depending on the severity of the incident.

Please note that these rules are not entirely exhaustive, and may not encompass or address all manner of offensive behavior that may require moderating. In this regard, the administration and moderator teams have full discretion to address any behaviors that they feel are inappropriate for the Dappervolk community.

Our community philosophy:
  • Be respectful
  • Be kind
  • Encourage responsible use of our forums and site and discourage disruptive behavior
  • Encourage the free flow of ideas and discussion while maintaining a civil, constructive, and creative space

All rules apply to usernames, pet names, forum posts, profiles, profile comments, pet biographies, and all other areas in which Users may enter text, images, or otherwise communicate.

Please remember that access to the site is a privilege and not a right.

Snail Games reserves the right to suspend access to Dappervolk for the reasons outlined in our Terms of Service for reasons that include and are not necessarily limited to, your failure to abide by the following rules. Please also note that we reserve the right to evaluate each incident on a case-by-case basis.

Community Etiquette
Users are expected to not engage in the following behaviors when submitting content to Dappervolk:
  • Posting of any content that is abusive, aggressive, personally insulting, flaming, baiting, or threatening.
  • Gloating, boasting, or bragging as a means to belittle, demean, offend, or otherwise unsettle other Users for any reason.
    • This includes but is not limited to reaching certain Quests more quickly than others, finding more bugs, or acquiring more site assets.
  • Posting content requesting or providing medical advice or counseling.
  • Attempting to "mini-mod", this includes but is not limited to:
    • Attempting to control how others post content.
  • Telling a moderator how to moderate.
  • Offer gifts in exchange for moderation.
  • Threatening to report a member (“I’m going to report you”) or informing another member they have been reported (“You’ve just been reported”).
  • Any discussion of religion/politics.
  • Displaying brightly flashing or vibrating gifs/animations.
  • Posting in languages other than English, our moderating team can only moderate in the English language.
  • Spamming any content areas of Dappervolk. This includes but is not limited to:
    • Posting the same thread/subject across multiple Forums, or the same post/response across multiple Forum threads.
    • Forum posting solely to increase post count.
    • Not staying on topic in Forum threads.
    • If you are selling your art or commissions in the Dappervolk Forums, you must remain on-topic by offering at least one commission for Dappervolk currency.
    • Forum threads or posts that contain nothing but meaningless content, gibberish, "l33tsp34k".
    • Do not bump threads in the Forums. This includes but is not limited to:
    • “Up”, “bump”, “to the top!”, “^”, single emote bumps, etc.
    • Bumping a thread and deleting the post that bumped it (“ghost-bumping”)
    • The following Forum thread types are exempt from the above rules against bumping:
    • Trades Market Threads
    • Art Sales/Commissions Threads
    • Writing Sales/Commissions Threads
    • Raffles
    • Contests
  • Begging for any assets or services.
  • Soliciting or advertising for monetary donations or crowdfunding campaigns.
  • Posting content meant to "troll". Accounts made to troll will be closed. "Trolling" is defined as:
    • Commenting/posting in a manner intended to elicit overly strong negative and emotional responses or for shock value
    • Attempting to derail threads
    • Personal attacks
  • Engaging in malicious reporting. This is defined as:
    • Falsely reporting a User via the Ticket Desk for personal reasons, such as revenge, retaliation, harassment, belligerence, or denigration.
    • Reporting a User via the Ticket Desk for a rule violation and then continuing to engage with them after.
    • Encouraging other Users to report another User via the Ticket Desk.
    • Posting content meant to troll or target other Users and then reporting the subsequent reactions.
  • Publicly posting grievances without contacting staff concerning User disputes.
    • Immediately report the post so that we may investigate it.
    • If you have any grievances with another User, please refrain from further interaction and immediately send in a support ticket via the Ticket Desk so that it may be investigated and handled by a staff member.
  • Making threats against any User including reference to violence or death in any capacity.
    • Immediately report the post so that we can investigate it.
  • Intentionally spoiling content via the forums. Users are expected to utilize the appropriate “spoiler” tags provided onsite when creating Forum topics or Forum replies that may include information that must be unlocked through gameplay mechanics. This includes but is not limited to information about quest branches or outcomes, quest requirements, alchemy recipes, and achievement requirements.
    • When creating a Forum topic that discusses such information, utilize the “Spoiler” tag checkbox on the topic creation page.
    • When posting on a Forum topic that is not tagged as having spoilers, contain such information inside a “spoiler” bbcode tag. The bbcode syntax for this tag is: [spoiler]Your text here.[/spoiler]
    • If a topic itself is already tagged as containing spoilers, you do not need to utilize the bbcode within your posts for that topic.

All community content is permitted or removed at Dappervolk's discretion. Based on the severity of the incident, an account may be suspended or closed from Dappervolk for the following:

General Misconduct

  • Impersonating any person or entity, including, but not limited to, a Dappervolk employee, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity.
  • Take any action, upload, post, email, link to, or otherwise transmit any content that contains viruses, malicious software, cheats, or processes intended to automate gameplay. If you would like to report such material, please send a message to staff through a support ticket.
  • Transmitting any unsolicited advertising, junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any other forms of solicitation through Dappervolk.
  • Posting content or links to content with "leaked" or "mined" information about the Dappervolk site updates.
    • If it hasn't been released to the public through official channels (Dappervolk.com, Dappervolk’s social medias, Dappervolk’s Kickstarter), it will be removed without notice.
  • Attempt to gain access to a password, other account information, or other private information. Remember: Dappervolk staff and volunteer moderators will NEVER ask for your password. Do not reveal your password or sensitive account information to anyone.
  • "Stalk" or otherwise harass another member.
    • This includes but is not limited to behaviors such as circumventing Dappervolk’s block feature between players.
  • Advertise or solicit the sale or trade of a Dappervolk account; advertise or solicit the sale or trade of any account or item related to another game that does not permit such trades; advertise or solicit the sale of Potatoes, Turnips or items for real world currency; promote or aid in any such transaction.
  • Improperly use the customer support ticketing system or make false reports to Dappervolk staff.
  • Roleplay on Dappervolk is allowed so long as it follows all rules within our Terms of Service and Rules of Conduct.
    • For specific details regarding depicted or suggested sexual/romantic relationships within roleplays, writing, and/or artwork, please refer to the Sexual Themes & Nudity section below.
    • For specific details regarding depicted or suggested violence/gore within roleplays, writing, and/or artwork, please refer to the Violence section below.
  • Submitting language or imagery that is “not safe for work” (NSFW) anywhere onsite.
    • NSFW content is broadly understood as anything that would be reasonably considered inappropriate to view or display in public settings, such as content that is violent, sexual, or vulgar in nature.
      • For more detailed rules on Violent and/or Sexual content in particular, please refer to the associated sections below.
    • Users may access Dappervolk from all sorts of locations, such as school and work, so our policy is to strive toward keeping onsite content appropriate for all settings.
  • Attempting to solicit romantic relationships through any Dappervolk features is strictly prohibited.
Real-Life Threats & Personal Information Distribution
This includes but is not limited to clear/masked language OR links to websites containing such language or images that: 
  • Refer to violence or death in any capacity towards another user, users, non-Dappervolk related entities, or Snail Games staff.
  • Release any real-life personal information about Dappervolk users, non-Dappervolk related entities, or Snail Games staff through any public or private means.
  • This includes, but is not limited to full/legal names, addresses, photographs (such as “selfies”), and personally identifying information.

Rule-Breaking Offsite Links & Misconduct
We are unable to moderate activities or posts that happen off of the Dappervolk website, but please remember that linking to rule-breaking content will be treated the same as if that content was posted directly to the Dappervolk website and will be actioned and removed.

Links to offsite artwork or writing galleries/portfolios are expected to follow all Dappervolk rules, with an exception for:
  • Artistic depictions of non-sexual nudity or mild gore, so long as it is hidden behind a maturity filter by default; this exception will be reviewed on a case by case basis, but any type of pornography (even behind a maturity filter) will automatically violate this rule.

Discrimination, Harassment, & Defamation
  • This includes but is not limited to clear/masked language OR links to websites containing such language or images that:
  • Are intended to be insulting toward any entity or entities, including but not limited to:
  • Users, Snail Games staff, groups of people, Dappervolk characters or pets
  • Promote false information or attempt to defame any entity or entities
  • Result in ongoing/repeated harassment or targeted language to other Users, Snail Games staff, or groups of people
  • Encouraging other Users to target an individual by proxy
  • Result in prolonged, unconstructive flame posts or arguments between two or more opposing parties
  • Repeatedly or maliciously use the Dappervolk customer support ticketing system to target a User
  • Attempting to promote hateful, spiteful, or discriminatory views or actions against other Users, Snail Games staff, or groups of people. This includes but is not limited to:
    • Any race, nation, or culture.
    • Any aspect or variation of sexual orientation or gender identity.
    • Religions or religious figures.
    • Physical or mental disabilities.

Please remember that Dappervolk is a site that hosts a diverse community, and as such, all users are expected to behave with respect and civility toward each other. Any form of hateful/spiteful/discriminatory language against others will not be tolerated. If you choose to do business or interact with someone, do so politely, or do not interact at all.

Language Policy
All content submitted by Users must be in English, as our moderating team can only moderate the English language, with the exception of:
  • Language used for naming (pets, usernames, etc.), so long as it adheres to the rest of our established rules.

Additionally, vulgar language is not allowed on Dappervolk in any form, including clear/masked instances of:
  • Swearing or “cursing”, with the exception of the following words (so long as they are not directed at an entity or being used in an insulting manner):
    • Crap, shit, hell, damn

  • Slurs and/or derogatory terms
  • Any text that attempts to circumvent Dappervolk’s disallowed word filters

Scamming can result in account actions up to and including permanent account closure. Scamming includes but is not limited to:
  • Coming to a trade agreement and not honouring it within the mutually agreed upon length of time.
  • Intentionally evading completion of the trade by ceasing contact once the other party has completed their side of it.
  • Making empty or 1 potato offers on lots in the Trades Market.
  • Falsely advertising or creating “click bait” through thread titles or links.
  • Sending or including a suspicious or potentially harmful link anywhere information can be transmitted on site.

Referral Bribery
This practice is the act of offering rewards as a way to solicit referrals, it includes but is not limited to:
  • Trading, buying or otherwise offering assets to garner referral points.

Note: Hosting events off site which encourages others to join is allowed providing no compensation is offered for doing so. 

Discrimination against Race, Ethnicity, Nationality, or Heritage
This includes but is not limited to clear/masked language OR links to websites containing such language or images that:
  • Promote racial/ethnic/heritage hatred
  • Are known or recognized as a racial or ethnic slur
  • Allude to symbols of racial or ethnic hatred
  • Encourage or promote any type of national hatred
  • Are considered or recognized as national slurs
  • Allude to symbols of any type of national hatred

This includes but is not limited to clear/masked language OR links to websites containing such language or images that refer to or imply:
  • Violent real life actions; this may include, but is not limited to all forms of abuse, violations of consent, self-harm, etc.
  • Depictions/descriptions of gore/mutilation.

The above rules also apply to selling, trading, or soliciting art/writing in any form with this type of content. This includes, but is not limited to:
  • Art Commissions
  • Writing Commissions
  • Roleplaying (“RPing”), finding Roleplay Partners

Sexual Themes & Nudity
This includes but is not limited to clear/masked language OR links to websites containing such language or images that refer to or imply:
  • Sexual acts or themes
  • Romantic relationships or acts with suggestive/implied sexual acts or themes
    • Depictions of romance between consenting adult characters within artwork, writing, or roleplay are allowed so long as it does not contain any suggested or implied sexual acts or themes.
  • Inappropriate references to human anatomy or bodily functions; this includes but is not limited to any of the following, even if censoring/blurring is applied:
    • Genitalia
    • Nipples/areolas regardless of gender
    • Suggestive bodily fluids
    • Sexually suggestive poses or depictions of arousal
    • Any of the above being implied or suggested, such as being shown through clothing/other materials or implied in writing

  • Pornographic material of any nature
  • Pedophilic material of any nature; this includes but is not limited to any content that depicts or implies:
    • Sexual acts, sexual themes, or romantic relationships between an adult and child.

The above rules also apply to selling, trading, or soliciting art/writing in any form with this type of content. This includes, but is not limited to:
  • Art Commissions
  • Writing Commissions
  • Roleplaying (“RPing”), finding Roleplay Partners

For additional guidelines and details on what types of artistic nudity are allowed on Dappervolk, please visit our stickied Art & Commissions Guidelines thread in the Forums.

Illegal Activities & Drugs / Paraphernalia
This includes but is not limited to clear/masked language OR links to websites containing such language or images that:
  • Refer to illegal or illicit substances
  • Refer to paraphernalia (items used with certain types of illicit substances)
  • Reference substance abuse
  • Perform or refer to illegal activities
  • Violate any laws or regulations

Cheating and Malicious Programs
This includes but is not limited to:
  • Utilizing any form of hacking, scripts, plugins (including browser plugins), or malicious programs to cheat, exploit, or alter Dappervolk’s features and/or interface.
  • Abusing bugs or glitches on Dappervolk.
  • Discussing or linking to ways to cheat or exploit Dappervolk's features and/or interface.
  • Discussing or linking to programs that maliciously infect other users' computers or other devices.
  • Discussing or linking to third party software or websites that violate the Terms of Service.

If you would like to report any of the above, please immediately send in a Support Ticket. Do not post about it in the forums.

Public Blacklisting & Cyberbullying
This includes but is not limited to clear/masked language OR links to websites containing such language or images that:
  • Identify Dappervolk users in an attempt to influence the community to divert interaction away from said users.
  • Incites a group of users to single out, shame, or ostracize (i.e. "tar-and-feathering") a user or group of users.

Religion / Non-Religion
This includes but is not limited to clear/masked language OR links to websites containing such language or images that:
  • Negatively portray religions or religious figures.
  • Negatively portrays or harasses users that do not have a chosen belief or no beliefs at all.

Discussion of Disciplinary Account Actions
  • This includes but is not limited to:
  • Creating posts or threads to discuss specific disciplinary actions taken against a User or account, including chat or email correspondence between Users and Dappervolk staff.
  • Posting about the above from a new account to circumvent a suspension or ban.
  • Having someone post about the above from their account on your behalf.
  • Accounts and/or Threads made for this purpose will be closed without warning
  • We reserve the right to remove threads or posts without notification or follow-up.
  • Do not post about or discuss thread moderation. Any questions regarding thread moderation should be sent via support ticket.
    • Locks, removals, and edits are done at moderator discretion, following guidelines set by the Dappervolk staff and in accordance with this Rules of Conduct and the Terms of Service.
  • Do not post petitions, "I demand an answer" threads, conspiracy threads, or comments about circumventing the rules.
  • Do not post on behalf of a suspended or banned user.

You agree that Dappervolk may take whatever steps it deems necessary to maintain a suitable forum environment at its sole discretion and without notice to you.

These rules are intended to maintain a healthy, creative, constructive space for all of our Users & Staff to interact with each other. If you have any questions regarding our rules, feel free to send us a message through a support ticket - we always welcome communication! Please be advised that we do receive a high volume of tickets and may not be able to respond to non-urgent issues right away. 

Thank you for your support and cooperation. Welcome to the Dappervolk community, we hope you enjoy your stay!
Users Online: 159