Hey there, looks like you just wandered in. Why not have a look around and stay for a while, maybe even start your own adventure, if you're into that.
Welcome to the Staff page! This page lists all on site staff members with a link to their user profile and a short description about each of them. For more detail on individual duties and who to contact, please refer to the Staff Duties Info link below. The Credits page contains info on contributors who do not have staff powers on site.
Admin (#1) Admin

The general Admin account, used for administration activities only. Please send all inquiries to the Ticket Desk instead of messaging this account - thank you!

Nyala (#2) Admin

One of our original head moderators! They primarily help with behind the scenes moderation and communication with the admins. Loves antelopes of all kinds. [they/them]

God (#4) Admin

Mostly a quest maintenance admin, but helps out around the site where it is needed. He has an affinity for sharks, the color yellow, and typing in fully punctuated sentences. If you have a quest bug, he'll usually be the one looking into it for you! [he/him]

jackalloops (#206) Head Moderator

When not helping people out on the forums as a head moderator, Jackalloops can usually be found pining over cool terrarium set ups, re-stringing their guitars, or knee-deep in topsoil arguing with grubs about whose garden this is. They're a naturalist and have a particular fondness for arthropods and reptiles. [they/them]

Cy (#7) Coder

Cy is our amazing primary coder and the hero we need but probably don't deserve. They work on the majority of what makes up Dappervolk, as well as fixing mountains of bug reports! [any pronouns]

DrFaust (#22032) Coder

Faust is our resident Adventuring wizard! The Adventuring that you see today is thanks to his expertise, he will also be working on various other minigame-like features in the future. [he/him]

huike (#20068) Coder

Huike is our front end and minigame mechanic, devoted to minigame adjustments and various fixes around the site! [he/him]

StoryTam (#2380) Writer

Alison joined the writing team because following in Lilia's footsteps as a knight was too difficult, and Idra's cave didn't have any extra room. She lives in Taipei for easy boba access and likes to eat turnip cakes for breakfast. [she/her]

speckledplanet (#5301) Writer

Speckle is a passionate writer who utilizes their love of reckless key smashing to make very flowery, oftentimes very wordy, stories. When they're not shrimping over their computer late into the evening, you can catch them fighting valiantly against a wide assortment of monsters and ghouls in one of their many games of choice. All in the name of fun, of course! [they/them/he/him/it/its]

Meesh (#2099) Moderator

Meesh specializes in animal behavior, so ask her about birds at your own risk! When she's not wrangling raccoons, she's probably hoarding yarn like some sort of fantastic dragon or crocheting tiny mystery creatures to protect said hoard. She's the battiest person on the team which is probably a good thing because of how much she likes bats. [she/her]

Billie (#663) Moderator

One of our junior mods, Billie can usually be found lurking about on the forums, often popping in when you least expect it. She loves chatting and making new friends- feel free to say hi! When not on the forums (and often at the same time as being here) she loves crafting-particular cross stitch and knitting, baking-mostly gluten free, reading fantasy or playing video games. [she/her]

Ankh (#19676) Moderator

Ankh finds beauty in the most lonesome and dark places; nestled between the river and town where the stars shine the brightest. When the drumming of their cries clear in the odd hours of the morning, they can be seen in the forums interacting and observing the literature placed there. They're a bit horrifying to watch, nice to know. [they/them]

Ali (#2096) Moderator

Cloaked in an ever-shifting array of blue and purple, Ali gazes serenely upon Dappervolk’s shores, skies, and liminal realms. She enjoys rhythm games, vocal synths, and befriending every cat she meets. [she/her]

Morphine (#35897) Moderator

Morphine is a Dappervolk moderator & aspiring arachnologist that spends his days tending to his ever growing army of pets, both real and virtual. When he's not caring for his critters he can usually be found sculpting, needle felting, cooking, gaming, or performing mysterious rituals deep in the woods. Woods you could swear weren't there the last time you passed by. [he/him]

Musicality (#39022) Moderator

Musicality can often be found surrounded by a multitude of reptiles and fish, whether that be while helping backstage at the theatre in Vaer reef or chilling in her living room. No matter if she's crafting her newest plush, stalking the forums, or plotting her next big thing, she will always find time to chat - so feel free to pop by and say hello! [she/her]

Nineve (#46) Community Manager

Nineve is a mother of two (cats) and an aspiring hobbit. Offline, she can usually be found playing chess, devouring books, or diving into the latest story-driven RPG. Her day job involves painting backgrounds for animated shows, and she's working toward becoming a published author. [she/her]

Elkcrown (#3063) Community Manager

Elk is one of our local community managers! When not busy with Dappervolk, it likes to livestream games from the digital wastes, draw way too much art one singular OC, or be busy with the multitude of new skills its trying to learn! (Whether it succeeds or not is a different matter but shhhh! The journey is the fun part!) Feel free to ask it for its current fixations if you're interested in being rambled at about a variety of things. [it/its, he/him]

magicsyrup (#20746) Artist

Nicole is a digital 2D artist whose favorite hobbies include watching animated films and shows, video games, and cross stitching. Please feel free to say hello (or send a cat picture)! [she/her]

Ephemeral (#11) Artist

Ephemeral is an artist who enjoys dabbling in all sorts of crafts and games, but loves art even more! [she/her]

Valkyrie (#278) Artist

Valkyrie is an artist with a passion for a video games and tea. Valkyrie can often be found in their natural habitat of a lightless room, consuming unhealthy amounts of boba and light novels. Typically a friendly creature who welcomes new friends! [she/her, he/him, they/them]

hoodiedogs (#26933) Artist

Jan is a site artist and monster collecting aficionado who spends their free time organizing spreadsheets, watching sitcoms and playing video games. They are primarily fueled by pure nostalgia. [they/them]

Cattrin (#48703) Artist

Cattrin is a site artist and lover of baked goods. She finds every bug cute and won't hesitate to tell you so. [she/her]

flocksy (#31552) Artist

When not masquerading as a deerbun on-site, Flocksy sometimes paints items! In her free time she likes to bake cakes and make cartoons about vegetables. [she/her]

fireflysummers (#5967) Artist

Firefly is a strange bug who likes to draw when she's not napping, working at her day job as a UX Designer, or chasing one of her myriad side hobbies. Sometimes she draws comics about her worldhopper, Summers, and her friends on Dappervolk. [she/her]

Misha (#3988) Artist

Misha is our current pixel artist for Adventuring! He is responsible for all of the animation updates after Beta, all new sprite appearances and colours, obstacles, gates, new forum emotes, and more! [he/him]

Spinaria (#3790) Artist

A cat eared fish tailed turnip who claims to be a "cat mernip". Whether there's another face hidden inside the turnip is forever a mystery. She generally lurks underwater, but a call of Dota2 patch update will sometimes lure her to the surface. [she/her]

Chia (#3) Artist

Chia is a site artist as well as helps with administration behind the scenes. She also happens to be some sort of sentient egg creature. Mostly deals with training new moderators and helping with development! [any pronouns]

Users Online: 138