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Premium Badge Clarification!

Hello everyone! We'd like to address and clarify some confusion surrounding the Premium Badge features and their relation to the Monthly Shops!

What Perks do Premium Badges give you?
  • +1 Bonus Spin Point for Pai's Machine of Wonders each month you have premium activated, spin points do not expire!
  • +2 Outfit Save Slots
  • +10 Trades Market Lots at once
  • +1 Potato Bonus tasks per day
  • +1 Stat Boost tasks per day
  • +1 Town Hop per day
  • +2 Max items from minigames per day
  • +2000 potatoes max from minigames per day
  • +2000 potatoes max from forum posts per day
  • Free access to premium undergarments in the wardrobe while Premium is activated

Note: Perks may be adjusted/added to as time goes on! We will update everyone if we adjust/add new perks in the future.

We realize there was some misinformation present in the notification users got when they activated premium prior to July 1st.

This was the notification users got:

As part of your premium member perks, you have received this month's bonus point for the premium shop. Remember to claim an item before it expires!

The notification should say:
As part of this month's premium member perks, you have received 1 bonus spin point for Pai's Machine of Wonders. All spin points go towards getting a bonus free item claim!

We completely understand that this may change some user's views on whether or not they would currently want premium, so we'd like to offer a turnip currency refund to any user who used their premium badge before July 1st, 2020 and would like it refunded.

Send in a ticket in order to:
  1. Get your premium status cancelled.
  2. Get a refund in Turnips for the same amount as the cost of the Premium Badge you used.

We do have a backlog of tickets at the moment, but we promise to get to everyone soon, no ticket will be missed!

Additionally, there was a bug prior to July 1st in which bonus spin points were not being rewarded yet. We've added +1 spin point for Pai's shop to everyone who activated premium prior to July 1st 2020!

We apologize for the confusion and appreciate all of the patience and support as we get these early site launch issues straightened out! snailalt.gifheartpinkalt.gif


  • Villager Paintra (#7949) 1 Jul 2020, 7:11 pm
    This leaves a bad taste in my mouth, to be honest. This is a MAJOR misstep on your part, ESPECIALLY so early into your game's lifespan. I hope that you make premium something more than just 1 free item every TEN months.
  • Villager Demoness (#23741) 1 Jul 2020, 7:22 pm
    Confirming I have NOT received my spin point for last month.
  • Villager taugeeee (#782) 1 Jul 2020, 7:22 pm
    Though I understand that
    1. Premium is not supposed to give P2W advantages
    2. It's entirely possible that the devs meant for this to be a way to simply "support the site"..
    I think it still doesn't change the fact that people are paying money for this.
    I bought premium simply because I wanted to give a small gift to my friend and decided to tag along and I got really excited when I saw the notification about getting a free point to spend in the premium shop.
    And then this happens.
    I could honestly care less about the turnip gacha- it's the choice of people who want to pay for it. Sure, it's overpriced and paying $20 for HALF of an item set when launch bundles were $15 for more than that- people are going to be upset.

    On a completely different note but related to people spending $$$ and having to wait 7-10 days for their redemption codes... That's just been extremely frustrating. People want instant gratification when they spend their money. Heck, if I had gotten my bundle by now I might have considered getting one more to keep. But nah, we're only getting them AFTER the bundles retire. Which kinda sucks IMHO.

    The dev team didn't commit a crime or anything by adding RLC gachas and disappointing premium features. It is what it is. But it will put off alot of people from supporting the site with money.
  • Villager Okro (#6879) 1 Jul 2020, 7:23 pm
    Yeeeeesh, I understand people's frustrations, but a lot of the comments feel pretty harsh. To the makers of the game, I hope you don't take it too close to heart, there has been lots of tireless hours working on this game and all in all, this is a small "oops". I'm looking forward to all the other premium things that will be added. I do wish I had waited a bit to get it until there were more/exclusive perks. But that's on me. Thanks for all you do and as time goes on a community will form here! We're all just eager c:
  • Villager Vampire (#359) 1 Jul 2020, 7:34 pm
    So it costs about a dollar or two to spin
    How much is monthly premium???

    You guys cant afford to give one free premium item to people that pay for premium?
  • Villager geotalon (#6160) 1 Jul 2020, 7:40 pm
    Maybe I'm living under a rock but where are people seeing the premium perks? I looked on the premium perk [wiki] page before I purchased one, and there was never a mention of a free item... so I'm confused?
  • Villager Totalanimefan (#23751) 1 Jul 2020, 8:26 pm
    I guess I'll be going back to giving to my normal avatar site now instead of giving money to you guys.
  • Villager CrispyBass (#18526) 1 Jul 2020, 8:38 pm
    I honestly get that the devs are trying to be inclusive and not make this site P2W. I really appreciate that but honestly the dappervolk trade market is pretty great. Like honestly the first day one piece of the $18 set can go as low as 6400 potatoes with a peak at 30000. I agree that there should be something more exclusive to premium members. Without it I can see why people don't want to pay a pretty good chunk of money every month for small incentives. Hey if F2W players really want to whale and grind let them, I certainly still would even if there was an exclusive premium member shop.
  • Villager CrispyBass (#18526) 1 Jul 2020, 8:40 pm
    And honestly if any dev is reading this I just want you to know that I appreciate you guys and I know you guys will come up with a solution or compromise with the Dappervolk player base.
  • Villager jenniferberry (#25677) 1 Jul 2020, 8:53 pm
    ohh i'm reading more and more and seeing... it's not even a free spin? I was mistaken and thought 'okay this isn't good but... idk, at least i get one free item' but no lmao? it's a POINT? I have to spend more to even capitalize on it???

    nvm I'm just gonna get a refund and not spend money on this site again. I'll stick to subeta, at least I can get cute clothing there. This leaves such a bad taste in many people's mouths and as a new player it's made me not want to continue using this site tbh.
  • Villager Desire (#18590) 1 Jul 2020, 9:17 pm
    So I bought the premium account by trading for just two random pets and I mainly got it for the underwear xD I have no complaints about the current system except that yes, I thought I would get a free spin which was really exciting and the truth about it really bummed me out.

    However, I am able to acquire the new items quiet easily by just grinding tasks and maxing playground! So I don’t see myself having an issue with this.

    HOWEVER, I’d like to request staff, if they see this - please allow us one free actual spin. It will make a lot of users happy especially the ones that have been with you from the beginning and are obviously disgruntled now.
    I honestly can’t foresee ever seeing an update that states you will give in but I still feel like I should leave this feedback here.

    Even if I wasn’t a KS backer, I have spent money on all the bundles you have setup since launch and I want to continue supporting this site but I want to see this site being appreciative of that support.

    Thank you!
  • Villager Monstrelique (#19) 1 Jul 2020, 9:22 pm
    After reading this update, initially being very confused about the whole ordeal of Premium Badges when I activated it in June and finding information via the forums (thankfully) via other users about what the issue was? I'm with a majority of the folks commenting their thoughts as of currently.

    The premium perks as of previously have been kind of useful, but not so much so. I was more than down to pay $5 for cute cosmetic perks and free item(s) and such, but without more than what we are being given as of now, it's not worth it. I won't be getting a refund for my premium and will ride it out to see if anything is adjusted within the active premium time, but I won't be purchasing any premium / any more Turnips at this point unless there's better bonuses involved with BEING a premium badge holder. Even moreso, until a better fix has been announced and implemented. I honestly don't understand why it would have been so difficult to simply give what we were initially promised, instead of suddenly switching things around and offering Turnips as a refund and a singular free spin point? That doesn't justify anything to those who dropped big money for the initial perks we were told we'd have. Makes me relieved I only got a 30 day pass, though albeit it's disappointing to see this all unfolding...

    As someone who has been supporting DV's development for a good few years via purchasing multiple bundles, the kickstarter, participating in testing rounds, etc it just... doesn't feel so special at all now after reviewing this information. It's very obvious that many others who have monetarily supported DV feel the same as of currently, no matter if they are long time supporters or totally new. I love this site and am happy to see it functioning, I do want to continue to support DV, but I am choosing to not do so until this rather specific situation is rectified in a far more fair manner.
  • Villager pho (#20408) 1 Jul 2020, 9:35 pm
    Not giving 1 free spin with the monthly premium is a big mistake lol.
  • Villager Faizh (#17146) 1 Jul 2020, 9:38 pm
    Hmmm idk what is going because idk what is the difference...
  • Villager pho (#20408) 1 Jul 2020, 9:42 pm
    Faizh (#17146) You need 10 spin points to get 1 free spin. The premium badge used to say it would give you 1 free spin a month. Now it says it gives you 1 point out of 10 needed to get a free spin. Which means you need to pay for 10 months of premium to get 1 free spin, which devalues the premium badge to be much lower than it was previously in terms of added value.
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