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Premium Badge Clarification!

Hello everyone! We'd like to address and clarify some confusion surrounding the Premium Badge features and their relation to the Monthly Shops!

What Perks do Premium Badges give you?
  • +1 Bonus Spin Point for Pai's Machine of Wonders each month you have premium activated, spin points do not expire!
  • +2 Outfit Save Slots
  • +10 Trades Market Lots at once
  • +1 Potato Bonus tasks per day
  • +1 Stat Boost tasks per day
  • +1 Town Hop per day
  • +2 Max items from minigames per day
  • +2000 potatoes max from minigames per day
  • +2000 potatoes max from forum posts per day
  • Free access to premium undergarments in the wardrobe while Premium is activated

Note: Perks may be adjusted/added to as time goes on! We will update everyone if we adjust/add new perks in the future.

We realize there was some misinformation present in the notification users got when they activated premium prior to July 1st.

This was the notification users got:

As part of your premium member perks, you have received this month's bonus point for the premium shop. Remember to claim an item before it expires!

The notification should say:
As part of this month's premium member perks, you have received 1 bonus spin point for Pai's Machine of Wonders. All spin points go towards getting a bonus free item claim!

We completely understand that this may change some user's views on whether or not they would currently want premium, so we'd like to offer a turnip currency refund to any user who used their premium badge before July 1st, 2020 and would like it refunded.

Send in a ticket in order to:
  1. Get your premium status cancelled.
  2. Get a refund in Turnips for the same amount as the cost of the Premium Badge you used.

We do have a backlog of tickets at the moment, but we promise to get to everyone soon, no ticket will be missed!

Additionally, there was a bug prior to July 1st in which bonus spin points were not being rewarded yet. We've added +1 spin point for Pai's shop to everyone who activated premium prior to July 1st 2020!

We apologize for the confusion and appreciate all of the patience and support as we get these early site launch issues straightened out! snailalt.gifheartpinkalt.gif


  • Villager Reno (#6868) 3 Jul 2020, 11:15 am
    LMAO @ #12093
    "i appreciate the notification about the charity sale, its a great reminder. but are you listening to user feedback and concerns at all?? will anything be changing??? just curious"

    I saw that when I first logged on this morning and I just..."Ohhh man they really are pulling this, huh."
  • Villager Bibble (#12093) 3 Jul 2020, 11:42 am
    Moondoll (#19209) Reno (#6868) it is very dissapointing :( all i want is transparency lol
  • Villager Poppy (#221) 3 Jul 2020, 11:58 am
    @ Benoir 22425 - I feel that "This smacks of a cash grab scheme and I'm sorry that I supported it in any way. I would hope the site closes, but people will still support it regardless of how hard they get slapped in the face, so I'll just hope that they learn their lesson from this failure."

    This comment is unfair - while it does stink of a cash grab - I don't believe that this is a scheme either & there are people who have been supporting Dappervolk for years (myself included) because it really is a fantastic game idea, and capable to great things as long as they take user feedback into consideration.
  • Villager Weisschen (#22393) 3 Jul 2020, 1:27 pm
    I just wanted to say that I agree with the users when they say it should be a free item per month. I'm saying that as a non premium member currently. I also disagree with the irl money gacha and won't spin it because of my countries laws actually.^^' I have not invested money into the site yet and would not feel safe doing so currently. I hope all of this can be solved though. I hope the site can get better and I would really really recommend listening to the users cause it doesn't look good to people trying to get into dv. I would also like to see more communication on this or.. any haha. People really like the ideas and concepts of this site so it would be good if the devs could work together with the users. ^^
  • Villager Lavendel (#761) 3 Jul 2020, 4:42 pm
    I think it's a bit silly to have the premium items in gacha form.. When they're giving you money monthly, yet you don't get an item perk?

    Hopefully they'll listen. I mean, I'll buy exclusives if they really catch my eye. But I'm not investing a penny into premium until there's some actual benefit for it.
  • Villager hemotypewriter (#315) 3 Jul 2020, 5:02 pm
    Nice that the updates are happening, and regular bug fixes are rolling out, but I have to echo others once again and say that the IRL currency gambling makes the site risky to use for many people, and largely limits the userbase. I appreciate how it forces excess items from the spins out into the game economy so non paying users can have it, I really do! I just think it would be better to put more of an emphasis on the single purchase bundle so there's not so much confusion. Market that as the main thing, and the gacha as a way to just get a couple items. Definitely agree the premium users should get a free item of choosing from the premium monthlies.
  • Villager sprout (#428) 3 Jul 2020, 8:42 pm
    just some feedback here as somebody using the premiums ^^

    Here's what I find useful
    -outfit save slots (but where do they go if my premium expired--are they saved until I renew?)
    -+10 trade markets. especially in a world where there isn't a nice item storage.
    - +1 potato/stat boost per day. very good.
    - +1 town hop. gives a little extra potential for progress without making it totally unfair for non premium members
    - +2 max items for mini games

    Here's what I dont find useful
    - +2000 potatos for games/ forums - I just do not have the patience to play the mini games. They are so cute, but are so grindy. I literally groan when I have to play one for a quest (except for turnip thief because the turnip payout is so fast) I also adore forums and spend a ton of time on them but will never be able to make enough to hit my limit by posting.
    - the premium underwear - the items that you can purchase are so much nicer than the undies.
    - the bonus spin for Pai's - would be so much more worth it if you got one actual free spin, not just one that counted towards the free item bonus

    Here's what I wish was different:
    - there should really be some kind of storage separate from the inventory for safe keeping of valuable items
    - increasing the cap of potatos for games/forums encourages grinding through the games (which is frustrating) and encourages spamming the forums (quantity over quality) Increasing the cap is great, but only if you also increase the number of potatos that a person earns for doing something also. I feel like I'm paying to do more work on the site, when really I would rather keep doing what I'm doing and just get a little more for it.
    - What if the gatcha for turnip monthly items was EXCLUSIVELY for the free spin provided by the monthly premium membership? That way you can give your premium members a taste of your turnip items without giving them a choice of which one. It would still encourage people to buy your bundle (or spin for 10, which honestly I liked doing. I profited more from it. on the site and had no problem getting the other items that were missing from my set, but I do see a large number of complaints and I can see where they are coming from) but it would give folks who can only afford $5 per month a way to get a premium item easily.

    Thanks for your GREAT work. I love this site and have spent so many hours here over the past couple days. I love the art, the characters, the community, and I'm so excited to be a part of it from the *almost* very start <3 I hope it grows and grows and you should be so proud of what you've started!!! sending lots of love!
  • Villager Faerinn (#20243) 4 Jul 2020, 4:37 pm
    I really hope the site talked to some sort of legal team before deciding to use IRL currency for a gatcha.
    The legality of it makes me worried, since I know loot box mechanics are illegal in some places, and gambling is also illegal in many places. I worry that it starts toeing the line once you bring real money into it.
    I want to help support the site, but I don't want to put my money into something that has the potential to be shut down if some court decides it isn't kosher, you know? Maybe I'm being too anxious about it, idk. What are yall's opinions?
  • Villager Ferinsy (#30206) 4 Jul 2020, 5:57 pm
    Faerinn (#20243) well, if something, the site will be banned in a country or two among the most dictator-ish countries in the world... It'd never be illegal to do gachas worldwide because every single game nowadays has gacha on it to get cards/characters/equipment. Almost literally every single mobile app has it. And most of them come from China or Japan, so if China allows gacha, idk which country would be lame enough to ban gacha games lol
  • Villager Kiichiii (#27319) 5 Jul 2020, 12:45 pm
    god have they really not said anything about all this yet besides to post a status message saying they're "reading and considering complaints" or whatever
    they made this clarification post in like half an hour but four days of silence for all other concerns alright
  • Villager LotusMoon (#9931) 5 Jul 2020, 1:37 pm
    Thank you for the refund update!
    I am looking forward to seeing the Monthly Shops update as well. Thanks for letting us know it's being worked on ^_^
  • Villager endermiss (#19580) 5 Jul 2020, 1:48 pm
    Thank you for telling us you're listening. Some game websites have posts upon posts of suggestions and users begging for action and you guys show us that you're willing to change. Some people on this platform will never be happy, but for me and many players we are eagerly awaiting to see the changes coming.
  • Villager Ostara (#36705) 5 Jul 2020, 2:38 pm
    Hi. Hopefully this gets seen I may post in the forums as well. But I am a software engineer and I recently had to do a lot of research regarding the legality issues with IRL gacha/loot box mechanics. One thing that I think would benefit this is if you make the exact chance of getting certain items known at least for the turnip priced gachas, this allows better assessment from the consumer when making the purchases.
  • Villager pokechess123 (#35498) 5 Jul 2020, 2:47 pm
    how do you get them besides trades/sales
  • Villager Lemonsinasoup (#13968) 5 Jul 2020, 2:53 pm
    Ferinsy (#30206) (#30206)

    Just to set something straight, China actually offered some of the earliest regulation of loot boxes, they require odds % to be shown, more favorable odds with more draws, and you also can't directly buy loot boxes with real currency. You need to be over 8 to purchase loot boxes, and have a cap of spending when younger than 18.
    Korea has similar regulation
    Japan includes them under 'prize' legislation, giving those who wish to seek legal action an advantage against unfair practices,
    As recently as February, Australia seems to be looking into making any site with gacha mechanics 18+
    The biggest and best knock cracking down is within the UK, similarly looking to protect those under 18 and in particular are really against loot boxes, especially within video games industries. (They've had many spouts with EA in court) Pretty much every month the past few years they've been active on this, with a lot of studies held by them it looks like they're set to enact legislation soon, although whether it will include sites like this is hard to say.
    I think Netherlands and Belgium just straight up outright has a lot of loot boxes and in-game trades banned altogether, so a lot of publishers have just stopped selling their affected games in that market entirely. nothing on websites though.
    It also seems to be pretty Bipartisan in US to regulate loot boxes, and there's been rumblings but little in terms of actual legislation towards it. We mostly see the outcome of other markets like China and UK that carry over into the games we get here.

    We are legitimately at the crux of change in the market here, and while no, I think generally we will always see gacha gambling in some form or another , particularly out of Japan, I can very well see international laws prohibit sale to under 18, to under 21, as it becomes more relevant and aggressive and studies on the addictive and harmful nature of them come to light. Don't get me wrong, the site wouldn't go under, but it could become 18+ or would require premium items to be non-gacha.
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