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July Update!

Hello world-hoppers! Welcome to July, our official first of a month on Dappervolk after launching. We'd like to thank everyone for a lovely launch week! It's been amazing to see everyone's response to our long months of hard work. We hope to continuously improve on the game and we're so excited to share more of it with you!

Without further ado, our first order of business is the unveiling of our very first Monthly Shop. July's theme is Mothlike!
These items were procured from a distant land full of moonlight, dusty books, and hidden knowledge.
What are Monthly Shops?
  • Every month, Pai, Oran, and Agnes from Peddler's Port will have different sets of 6 items in their shops that will retire at the end of the month.
  • These items are obtained from far away lands and follow the theme of the land they visited each month.
  • The items will retire at the end of each month to be replaced by new stock.
  • All retired items from Monthly Shops will eventually be able to be obtained rarely from Grandma Agnes later on.

How can I get to Peddler's Port?
Peddler's Port is a seaside location that you can unlock by going through the main storyline in Louise Hill. Once unlocked, you can visit Peddler's Port any time without using up a town hop!
Pai's Machine of Wonders
Pai will host these 6 items in their shop this month for 180 turnips per spin. If you spin 10 times, you will be able to choose a free item of your choice! Free spins will expire after about 3 months.

Oran's Emporium
Oran's shop will be stocked with these 6 items for 6000 potatoes per spin!

Agnes' Perpetual Shop
Agne's now hosts a Mothlike Silver Chest that contains a full set of items from Pai's shop at a higher total turnip cost.

These monthly shops will run until July 31st, after which they will be refurbished to house August's monthly items!


The Charity Pet Sale will be concluding on July 4th, we will be donating all remaining proceeds by the 5th and sending out redemption code emails then!


The Launch Support Bundles will be retiring permanently on July 5th, after which they will no longer be available!
All remaining redemption codes will be sent out after the 5th.

Upcoming Events
We have a big summer event planned to happen some time in August.
For the time being, we will likely be hosting another Adventuring Riddle Contest at some point this month!


That's all for now, we'll be updating everyone through future news and status posts!
Thank you so much for playing and supporting Dappervolk.



  • Villager Cuccos (#1022) 2 Jul 2020, 11:59 am
    I love the new content, I understand you guys need to make money but I'm not happy about gambling irl currency. ):
  • Villager Sune (#36664) 2 Jul 2020, 12:33 pm
    I love it! Here I go spending my money
  • Villager Ruby (#1996) 2 Jul 2020, 2:01 pm
    these are incredible!
  • Villager jonah (#4053) 2 Jul 2020, 2:17 pm
    i have to admit that i was pretty disappointed when i bought and opened the chest for it to only have half of the items from the set in it... i know i should've read more closely but i think the chest should have the whole set personally ;;
  • Villager Lor (#1062) 2 Jul 2020, 3:53 pm
    Does the chest hold all of the Turnip Gacha Set's items? Feel free to comment on my profile or PM me the answer, but I really would love to know before I further consider to buy it or not! x3

    Thank You!
  • Villager DOGBRAIN (#19114) 2 Jul 2020, 4:53 pm
    I don't know how I feel about this, as I know I am susceptible to becoming addicted to gambling. However, to me, these are simply cosmetics. I've bought some Turnips, but I don't know how to spend them at the moment. (besides a 30-day premium, which is just a trial for me!)

    Other than that, these are so beautiful.
  • Villager Ravnervn (#8176) 2 Jul 2020, 6:33 pm
    Set is beautiful, but echoing previous statements that if you're going to have real-world currency cosmetics on an all-ages site, they absolutely should not be locked behind a random chance mechanic. I don't see a particular issue with a monthly set being split between an in-game currency set (which, sure, can be a gacha if it must be, the biggest gate to getting potatoes is that it's a grind) and a premium currency set, but to have the premium half behind a gacha OR a higher upfront cost buy-in? It leaves a bitter taste in the mouth.
    I really do hope the devs listen to the complaints levelled here, because the complaints are coming from fans who want to support the site and clearly would happily spend money to do so, just... not when that money is supporting predatory practices that are, as mentioned by some, literally outright illegal in some territories.
  • Villager ThatTurtle (#33167) 2 Jul 2020, 8:46 pm
    Yeee, not a fan of the gambling mechanics here. It already feels like a grind getting potatoes to spend on the regular chance machines, and having so much locked behind chance mechanics already is kind of obnoxious. But having things locked behind paid gambling is even more so. If that's the direction this place is going, I can't imagine I'll be sticking around for long.
  • Villager Desolate (#9299) 3 Jul 2020, 5:51 am
    Gonna have to be honest that yeah the premium gatcha is a bad look. I get that it's part of monetizing the site and it needs funding to run, but why not make the set only available straight up for a (higher) set turnip cost as the "gatcha" aspect for real money on this site is as people say, morally questionable considering that this site is accessible (and seemingly otherwise suitable) for kids. I consider myself someone who really enjoys the thrill of gambling mechanics (I play a lot of gatcha and its why I like Dappervolk as it lets me enjoy that little thrill without feeling pressure to pay real money for the chance to get what I want) but I have a hard rule - I never spend money on it lest I fall into the hole of real gambling. I'm happy to straight up buy the sets (or set pieces) with money as an adult with some disposable income but nope, staying far away from a purely paid gatcha. Everything else on this site is great and I don't want to be disheartening, but I have to agree with everyone else saying it's a questionable move.
  • Villager Pheon (#24635) 3 Jul 2020, 6:31 am
    I dont understand the complaints honestly, they made how much on the kickstarter? Im 110% for it as you DONT have to gamble to get the full set, agnes sells it so wheres the complaint? If they didn't have this I doubt they could make a lot of money otherwise, sure im not 110% thrilled at how much turnips cost vs. how much I truly get from the gacha. Every other pet site has something like this but dappervolk is great as you arent stuck naming your pet Hagrid45_8. im still rooting for this site its completely unfair to demonize them over a gacha machine that you dont HAVE to use, you can buy the set through others on the site, you can also buy the set from agnes. Some sites $10 gets you ONE item so I dont see a problem whatsoever.
  • Villager Ferinsy (#30206) 3 Jul 2020, 10:54 am
    Pheon (#24635) totally with you! Every site has mystery capsules (Neo), chance machines and a year ago or so collection bags (Sub), among dozens of other petsites that have chance items. But just because DV uses the word "gacha" to categorize their "mystery capsule", they're hated for that... Excuse me, sirs, then demonize the whole games industry, as A LOT of mobile games nowadays have gacha features with way lower chances than Pai's machine (which don't even have tiers, all the items have the same odds).
  • Villager DeviNox (#2267) 3 Jul 2020, 11:06 am
    Pheon (#24635) dude come off it. What they're doing is illegal is some countries, being made illegal in other countries, and all because it's being immensely studied with many conclusions being drawn towards these types of game mechanics contributing to early life compulsive disorders and gambling addictions. Literally you have children clearing out their parents' bank accounts over loot boxes and gacha machines in other games. How, in your right might, can you say you see no problem with what Dappervolk is doing? They're deliberating counting on people spending more money than they need to make their buck and then advertising it towards the most susceptible age group: minors. That's literally the definition of predatory behavior!

    It's straight up gross.

    That's not even detailing the bait and switch a lot if premium members are sore over since they were under the impression they were receiving one free item and instead got told they were only getting a free point which you have to wait to even take advantage of. You literally have to wait ten months to get one free item! If Dappervolk is going to lose money on this, that's on them for making the majority of their users unhappy by making themselves out to be shady as all hell. And this is not even mentioning the fact we're still in the midde of a pandemic where money is tight for a lot people and fifty bucks is a huge splurge. They literally just got told they aren't even being refunding it.

    You can say Dappervolk needs money to stay afloat and no one is arguing that. It's the way they've chosen to go about that it making every one no want to support them.

  • Villager Starph (#21094) 3 Jul 2020, 1:23 pm
    I understand people don't like the chance of getting certain items while paying real currency, but you are still able to trade on the market boards. Say you get a duplicate of one item, one user most likely got a duplicate of the item you want too so you're able to trade :) Also free sites like this need the money to stay afloat.
  • Villager ScarletRain (#29399) 3 Jul 2020, 1:24 pm
    So... I don't completely get where the complaints are coming from? Yeah, their premium gacha requires currency you can mainly get through irl money, BUT don't act as if there is no option to buy a full set for turnips. If you only want certain items from the set just sell off anything extra on to others for tatoes or wait for a new set to appear that You won't be able to get for turnips, but would like some items and just trade? It's really not complicated and a lot of games have gachas under different names and every game has in game purchases.

    And for younger audiences... if they start stealing from their parents to buy stuff online... y'all really gonna blame the game? Not the kid, parenting, but the game who just has the option?

    Dunno, that's just my opinion on this, as I said above. It's completely normal. Free to play can buy this from the market, people who payed can buy a full set.
  • Villager Evangelion (#27011) 3 Jul 2020, 1:38 pm
    Can I uhhh also ask why we have to wait for our redemption codes for the charity pet/launch support bundles? Is there a reasoning behind this? I'm genuinely curious, I don't mean to sound annoying and I know it states clearly that codes will be sent out once a week on the Gumroad listing, but I don't really see the point of this and it seems to just cause a lot of frustration for some people? and the lack of explanation is just leaving me scratching my head wondering as to why I have to wait a week just for a code for pixelated clothes. I like instant gratification when I spend my money on online games, nobody wants to wait a week for a redemption code when just about everything else in this game is time based and takes forever lol
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