A Final Bewitchery...
In the thicket of battle, the stranger's red energy begins to swirl with a life of its own. It's being harnessed by forces unknown, hiding amongst the legions of world-hoppers defending their respective witches.
Dopplegangers? Wizards? A mystery until their sudden disappearance, along with their influence. The Witches War rages on.
Recently, we discovered a few instances of rule breaking which skewed the points in the Witches War. This was too significant to ignore, so after extensive investigation and some deliberation, we've decided to do the following.
44,283 points will be removed from Team Glume on December 10th, 4AM DVT
The Witches War event has been extended to:
Sunday December 11th, 8PM DVT
This will give all teams a final fighting chance at victory.
- After rollover tonight, the bonus point gain will be reduced to just 1%, effectively giving the teams a relatively even battlefield for the final showdown.
- We're hoping that these updates make the best of a difficult and unique situation, and we'll also be looking into ways to safeguard against this for other events of this type in the future.
- A 15 minute maintenance will occur on December 12th 12AM DVT - 4 hours after the team battle ends - to conclude the storyline.
- The Stranger's Wares shop stock will be moved to a new place, with the seasonal summer clothing continuing to be available for purchase there until December 16th.
- Complete the "Traversing the Warring Forest" quest for 14 days in total in order to unlock more content after maintenance!
We'd like to ask that in the future, if anyone sees possible examples of rule breaking, to please report it through the ticket desk only and refrain from discussing it publicly on site or in our Discord Server. This kind of action can unintentionally lead to witch hunts and harassment, which are against our Rules of Conduct and harmful overall to the community. Rule breaking should not be grounds to be harassed by other users, allow us to be the mediator. Thank you very much!
Thank you for playing and supporting Dappervolk, we'll be back with event conclusions. May the strongest witch win!
Why weren't the cheating points gained by Barclay and Mycel teams removed, too? If you know exactly how many Glume points to remove from fraudulent battles, then you know exactly how many Barclay and Mycel points to remove from those very same battles.
The difference between Barclay and Glume was, like 1000 or 2000 points after 44,283 points removal... it's bigger now 'cos so many on Glume team have lost heart, but we might've had a path to 2nd place at least if you'd fairly removed ALL points gained from cheating, not just those gained by Team Glume.
lone explained it above your post, but the points removed from Glume is not the sum that was earned through cheating. If it had been, over 70k points would have been removed in total. One of the many bots that were cheating for Glume had over 7k wins (7,164 was what I saw a day or so ago and given they were only recently banned, it was likely much higher), let alone the other four that were actively dueling for wins for her.
I can't claim to know why they didn't just reduce all points earned from those duels from the three teams raw, but it's possible the situation is more nuanced than it appears from the outside. If they had done so, maybe it would've put glume's team in a much larger disadvantage than the one they got here, and the amount they gave us was adjusted to be more equal to help everyone have a fighting chance with the event extension.
I think a little more communication and insight from them could help for sure.
Didn't knew this was going on, but I'm just here to see the circus burn down
Even being on Glume's team, this is fun to witness.
I don't even know why they keep tryna do big events like this, when people find exploit in smaller ones (I guess most folks here know about the alchemy exploit from a not-so-long-ago event and multiple cases of boring missions to reach absurd goals).
They should focus on fixing what's already set rather than try creating new, broken and poorly planned content.
Would be great if staff could say those kinds of responses/put that information in the announcement itself, that way EVERYONE could easily see it and understand what was going on instead of relying on secondhand accounts from other users who just happened to have the luck to see the information on the forums, or having to go and hunt that information down themselves. Centralized information is not a crime.
Those who were cheating got away with over 3mil P, if you solely count the bot that had 7k+ wins. It wasn't about the extra 10k for winning.