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Welcome to April!

Hello everyone! Welcome to April, we hope you're doing well and continuing to enjoy dappyvolk!

Our 46th month of limited shops has arrived:
April's theme is the Alpine Shepherd!

A merry procession, well equipped with warm comforts braves the skyward peaks. Always seeking greener pastures over yonder.

See Full Item Previews here and in the Clothing Diary!
What are Turnips & Monthly Shops? Click here for information!

This month we have a treat, a new pet species has arrived in Pai's Shop of Wonders!

3767-ofnfEco1W7-alpine-shepherd-cow-basket.png 3756-DQpNaqesG8-alpine-shepherd-hat.png 3757-jIztpso8YM-alpine-shepherd-long-hair.png 3763-sx2liM134j-alpine-shepherd-pants.png 3759-iTUn1fZkn8-alpine-shepherd-robe.png 3762-0zxxsqOJ8p-alpine-shepherd-skirt.png 3760-mosYQ33PgU-alpine-shepherd-sweater.png 3766-vG2MwiwVfb-alpine-shepherd-wings.png3773-NCf0Qob4F1-alpine-shepherd-woolen-tuft.png

Pai's Shop of Wonders
Pai's Shop of Wonders is stocking these 9 items for 200 turnips per clothing and 500 turnips for the hatching item.

Chest containing 8 Pai clothing items available for 1500 turnips  ♦ 100 turnip discount!
Bundle containing 3 of the hatching item available for 1200 turnips300 turnip discount!

Alpine Shepherd ♦ Cow Basket, Hat, Long Hair, Pants, Robe, Skirt, Sweater, Wings

NOTICE: We've separated the hatching item from the clothing in chests this month following player feedback and will be monitoring this change. Feel free to post your thoughts!


Agnes' Perpetual Shop
Agnes' Perpetual Shop stocks a chest that contains a set of Pai's 8 clothing items for a discounted 1500 Turnips.
She is also stocking a bundle containing 3 of Pai's hatching items for 1200 turnips.

3764-1YuMfdsMxI-alpine-shepherd-booties.png 3769-QYXuF3jQe5-alpine-shepherd-fastidiousness.png 3768-zQA0EbL5VA-alpine-shepherd-lips.png 3771-655JUZ2F70-alpine-shepherd-shaded-skin.png 3758-AMXpQjtMIw-alpine-shepherd-short-hair.png 3765-RfLhMX53Lq-alpine-shepherd-staff.png 3770-Gj9lRlB7bK-alpine-shepherd-sunlit-skin.png 3761-ADTwxUqmJW-alpine-shepherd-tank.png

Oran's Emporium
Oran's Emporium is stocking these 8 clothing items this month for 9,000 potatoes per spin!

Alphine Shepherd  ♦ Booties, Fastidiousness, Lips, Shaded Skin, Short Hair, Staff, Sunlit Skin, Tank

These monthly shop clothing items will run until April 30th, after which they will be removed to house May's monthly items!

A fragrant breeze creates ripples across the serenity of clear spring waters. Lanterns and lotus blooms alike twinkle in the light of day or the timidness of night.


  • Speak to Lian at the Lotus Pavilion to begin the seasonal quest "A Drop in the Lake"
  • There are 3 quests in total to be unlocked in succession.
  • "The Lotus Festival" is a daily repeatable quest which can be completed 4 times per day.
  • Lian's Temple Stall is open again for the month of April!
  • Stocked are Signi's items, with 1 new item available!
  • Signi's seasonal currency "Ceramic Scale" can be obtained from seasonal quests in the Lotus Pavilion as well as through several other regular site mechanics.


Visit the Theater and click on the "CHECK REWARDS" button to see the new rewards!

Agnes' Cellar has creaked open for no apparent reason, as everything is normal this month.

This month, the art development stream will take place on...


A status post with a link to the stream will be posted when it begins!
We'll be working on wishes from the Wishing Well thread.
Hope to see you there!

The ribbiting will occur later this month, are you ready?

Along with our amphibian wonders, we'll be busy this month with updating several aspects of the codebase to keep up to date with security and compatibility. We may experience some downtime here and there along with potential bugs and areas of the site temporarily not working. We'll be keeping a close eye on everything and working to update and fix things as smoothly as possible. Status posts will be shared if we're anticipating down time or maintenance. Thank you for your cooperation!

We'll be having another Nico's Avatar Contest later this month, run by our kindly community managers. More info will be shared when we're closer to the start time!

We're a little behind on the current batch of customs due to our workload last month, but should be getting caught up relatively early this month. Thank you for your patience!

With the introduction of new features in our latest changelog post such as the previewing system as well as content updates like the Aviar Cove balancing, we've been chipping away at our current priorities list in the Roadmap.

Our most recent QoL and new feature updates have been in preparation for our major marketplace updates that we're working on. We may be releasing more partial updates like this as long as they can stand alone on our road to completing the overhaul of the trades market as well as the new pet accessory and customs markets. Our Roadmap thread will be updated accordingly when we're ready!

As always, thank you so much for playing and supporting
Dappervolk. We'll be back with more updates soon!


  • Villager Merminea (#1043) 1 Apr 2024, 12:30 am
  • Villager Vio (#8758) 1 Apr 2024, 12:31 am
    So the chest is actually 2k...... Man.....
  • Villager Fioreth (#739) 1 Apr 2024, 12:34 am
    I would buy a discounted pack of 2 hatchling items, one for the regular pet and one for the evolved, but not 3. Something like 800 turnips instead of 1000 for 2. :/
  • Villager Steex (#8821) 1 Apr 2024, 12:35 am
    If I may suggest something, please make it so that the monthly previews thread doesn't use the hover over. I don't mind it being used in the news post but in the previews thread it defeats the purpose of being able to see the entire set separately while still being in one spot. Having to hover is also inconvenient for mobile players. Please consider reverting the format going forward. Thank you.
  • Villager R000P (#13367) 1 Apr 2024, 12:37 am
    Yeah I like the previews having the items in spoilers as well. Yes, the tooltips are nice, but at the same time I don't want them for everything.
  • Villager Teamfailboat (#23909) 1 Apr 2024, 12:45 am
    The new set is so cute! Also I am so ready for the ribbiting! :D

    Thank you for listening to player feedback on separating the hatching items from the monthly chests :)
  • Villager Vio (#8758) 1 Apr 2024, 12:56 am
    You know what even though I'm pissed off abt the chest price increasing overall (the feedback was meant to decrease it) I feel like I know I'm only mad just to be mad at "another thing" going on the pile
    there's lots of good in DV's future, too much for me to complain about a net 100 turnip increase that probably wasn't intentional but was still upsetting nonetheless

    happy april, this foolish update is delightful
  • Villager Sinjun (#61938) 1 Apr 2024, 12:59 am
    Perhaps the price increase is April's fool :D
  • Villager Espoir (#2743) 1 Apr 2024, 1:07 am
    The user and pet images... i can't stop laughing. Happy April Fools everyone~
  • Villager Fielkun (#3695) 1 Apr 2024, 1:26 am
    Happy April fool's day. The site looks odd today and our avatars too hahaha
  • Villager buggyeyes (#72539) 1 Apr 2024, 1:47 am
    I really dislike the pet being sold separately from the chest only. It should be sold in the chest as well as on it's own, with a cheaper just clothes set for people completely uninterested in buying the pet. We shouldn't have to buy the pet and chest separately if we plan to buy both, that's not fair.
  • Villager JACKAL0PE (#70146) 1 Apr 2024, 2:03 am
    1. I agree with others. I much, much more preferred the old previews on a preview thread, I think it's much more convenient, especially for mobile players, to be able to do a comparison of the items there. Looking up the old old sets in the clothing diary is really nice and the fact that item pops up while looking through the market is reeeeally really useful, but I think the old previews in the monthly set post were much better.

    2. I don't like the fact that a pet is not a part of the chest as it has always been (well, at least in the past year). I get the point of it, but I don't find it fair that normally the chest was 1800-1900, pet included, and now it's 2000. I think adding the pet separately AND in the chest is more convenient than just yeeting it out of chest completely. If someone doesn't like the pet, they can always sell it, but now if they like it, they have to pay more. Doesn't seem much player-friendly imo.
  • Villager Toast (#56722) 1 Apr 2024, 2:23 am
    Personally I don't care if the chest contains the pet or if it is separate. The harder pill to swallow is that now it costs more if you want all the clothes and the pet. It was already expensive enough, 2k turnips is steep.
  • Villager Lucae (#46184) 1 Apr 2024, 3:41 am
    …It seems I am a pink butterfly wiener dog today
  • Villager Lucae (#46184) 1 Apr 2024, 3:42 am
    Nevermind, my pet is actually the wiener dog,
    I am a squished dark cat entity.
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