Hey there, looks like you just wandered in. Why not have a look around and stay for a while, maybe even start your own adventure, if you're into that.

Welcome to April!

Hello everyone! Welcome to April, we're wishing you good health and fun all around.

Our 34th month of limited shops has arrived:
April's theme is the Wasteland Nomad!

The sands of time billow across a wide expanse, rendering all to ruin
and decay with a slow and unwavering certainty. Sunlight splashes
onto a watery surface, dreamlike in its tranquility.

See Full Item Previews here.
What are Turnips & Monthly Shops? Click here for information!


Pai's Shop of Wonders
Pai's Shop of Wonders is stocking these 10 clothing items for 200 turnips each. A chest containing all 10 items is available at 1700 turnips  - a discount of 300 turnips!

Wasteland Nomad  Flare Gun  Horned Goggles  Gas Mask  Tattered Mantle  Nomad Trousers  Half-Blouse  Half-Skirt  Silver Braids  Midnight Braids  Dunes

Agnes' Perpetual Shop
Agnes' Perpetual Shop stocks a chest that contains a set of Pai's 10 shop items for a discounted 1700 Turnips.


Oran's Emporium
Oran's Emporium is stocking these 8 clothing items this month for 9,000 potatoes per spin!

Wasteland Nomad  Hawk Mask  Pouches  Brunette Ponytail  Lips  Golden Ferocity  Sand Skin  Ombre Skin  Boots

Additionally, Oran will be offering  6 rarer colour variations in his Oran's Fine Goods Exchange quest for a trade of 3 Oran items each!
This quest will be available for the month on April 2nd at 12AM DVT.

Wasteland Nomad  Silver Ponytail  Fiery Braids  Emerald Ferocity  Clay Skin  Flint Skin  Lapis Skin

These monthly shop clothing items will run until April 30th, after which they will be removed to house May's monthly items!


Pai, Oran and yourself peer nervously into the cellar door in a familiar port, it looks like Agnes has been taken in by her mysterious endeavors once again. There is a new object there in exchange for the cosmos shards she covets.

The mysterious shop closes APRIL 7TH, 11:59PM DVT
How to Obtain Cosmos Shards: Random Encounters, Random Item Alchemy, Adventuring, Agnes' Daily Gift Quest

A fragrant breeze creates ripples across the serenity of clear spring waters. Lanterns and lotus blooms alike twinkle in the light of day or the timidness of night.


  • Speak to Lian at the Lotus Pavilion to begin the seasonal quest "A Drop in the Lake"
  • There are 3 quests in total to be unlocked in succession.
  • "The Lotus Festival" is a daily repeatable quest which can be completed 4 times per day.
  • Lian's Temple Stall is open again for the month of April!
  • Stocked are Signi's items, with 2 new items available!
  • Signi's seasonal currency "Ceramic Scale" can be obtained from seasonal quests in the Lotus Pavilion as well as through several other regular site mechanics.


Visit the Theater and click on the "CHECK REWARDS" button to see the new rewards!

This month, the art development stream will take place on...


A status post with a link to the stream will be posted when it begins!
We'll be working on wishes from the Wishing Well thread.
Hope to see you there!

We're working steadily on both the Winter and the Kelbi event, some more detailed progress was outlined in our previous news post. Our plan is to aim to start the Winter Event some time mid April, so we'll have more news for you on that as soon as we're ready. The Kelbi event will follow relatively soon after the Winter event ends!

Though our event progress is late, we're confident that the stories and lore will not feel out of place, and we're excitedly hoping to finish creating storylines for all 12 of our deities by early 2024. Dappervolk's world and lore is intrinsically tied to the deities and how NPCs view them, which is why so much emphasis is placed on them currently. Creating stories for the Deities with events does a vital job of expanding the world lore.

We'll be releasing our staff recruitment post some time during the coming event when we have an activity boost!

We're working on some more QoL Updates and bug fixes which we'll be releasing in changelogs through the month.

As always, thank you so much for playing and supporting
Dappervolk. We'll be back with more updates soon!


  • Villager Forelle (#2921) 1 Apr 2023, 12:17 am
    Oh hell yeah!
  • Villager Lucae (#46184) 1 Apr 2023, 12:18 am
  • Villager Kelion (#17310) 1 Apr 2023, 12:20 am
  • Villager Darkerdemons (#20213) 1 Apr 2023, 12:23 am
    My poor wallet… must have gorgeous new items! >3
  • Villager Sovereignty (#19015) 1 Apr 2023, 12:24 am
    I don't think I like this 'April fools' thing of having another oran exchange.
  • Villager Magician (#378) 1 Apr 2023, 12:28 am
    Please tell me this Oran Exchange is still taking old Curios Clothier items and this isn't going to be a new permanent fixture for new sets
  • Villager Sev (#3394) 1 Apr 2023, 12:28 am
    love the new set, especially love the new hairstyles!
  • Villager Vio (#8758) 1 Apr 2023, 12:29 am
    ...I hope this "oran exchange" thing isn't going to become a permanent addition. No one wants this.
  • Villager jotunn (#40203) 1 Apr 2023, 12:33 am
    please stop with the oran exchange variants. there's not even a pet that would justify us having all those extra spins (which also wasn't good). i just don't understand why you're doing this, tbh.
  • Villager Steex (#8821) 1 Apr 2023, 12:48 am
    beautiful set but... why the oran exchange? the last one was implemented because of questionable decisions regarding the availability of the oran hatchable. what's the justification for this one?
  • Villager teloka (#9282) 1 Apr 2023, 1:02 am
    absolutely no idea what problem people are seeing with the oran exchange? just to get a full set of the monthly oran items usually requires at least twice as many spins as items (~20), so you have duplicates right away. also if you want to build up for the bonus pool in a hurry for seasonal bonus claims, you'd have even more duplicates. those would usually be unusable extras, so this is... great..? it's great isn't it? like maybe i'm missing something but i truly don't see the problem unless you don't want the items, in which case you don't have to have them?

    they're also not even that much, like, 27k for a guaranteed limited clothing item; I've seen vaer reef stuff go for that on the market! idk, just seems like a cool and potentially useful new mechanic that if you don't like it you could simply not use it.
  • Villager Fractallis (#23783) 1 Apr 2023, 3:36 am
    The Oran exchange shouldn't continue. Last time was kind of fine due to the absurd method to gain the pet, which REQUIRED many spins, thus, many surplus items.

    In an instance like this where such a thing is not present, it seems like a waste that will discourage players from trading with each other extras to get what their 10 pull missed. There are better ways to have a potato sink that doesn't come at the cost of our wrists and our time.
  • Villager Steex (#8821) 1 Apr 2023, 3:48 am
    teloka (#9282) because it sets a troubling precedent. this isn't about "if you don't like it just don't use it."
  • Villager Jinoga (#31533) 1 Apr 2023, 4:11 am
    wait there isn't even a pet this time around why are we still doing exchange variants

    i thought that was just a bandaid because the method to obtaining the pet was horrid last month

    this isnt the potato sink we want nor need
  • Villager LotusMoon (#9931) 1 Apr 2023, 4:50 am
    Unfortunately, I doubt Oran's Exchange is an April Fool's joke... I never have duplicates of Oran's items. I spin, and then I trade for what I'm missing. Probably what the majority of us do! We don't have a surplus of items to exchange. But now apparently I'll have to if I want to collect all the recolors. I seriously though Oran's Exchange was a 1 month bandaid for a poor choice, but now it's just snowballed into a bigger poor choice keeping it around for every month.
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