A New Carnival Chapter!

A new wind whistles through the fruit laden boughs of a bejeweled orchard. It seems a new Carnival resident has opened up shop, why don't you take a peek?

Meet Sysel, a strange and nocturnal individual who appears to be an expert on distilling rare concoctions.

Sysel's shop is now open!

They have a repeatable quest of their own called "Of Distilleries and Procurement" in which you can earn daily carnival tokens.
Their shop features items from last year's Advent Calendar as well as 17 new clothing items and one new pet hatching item.

Pitre's shop has also gained one new background item!

We hope you stay warm amidst the winter weather and thank you for playing and supporting Dappervolk!
mistake in the red carin quest, should be bated breath
unless we are all secretly fish
:3 which wouldn't be a bad thing