Vaer Reef Balancing Update!

Hello everyone, our Vaer Reef Balancing Update is here!
This update includes 7 new quests, rebalanced daily errand quests, 135 new NPC items, 10 new pet species, NPC shop adjustments, and a limited time gifting event!

EVENT DURATION: January 13th - February 4th 2025
To celebrate our final balancing update, Poe has arrived
with a special Gift Giving Event!

Contest Duration: January 13th - February 2nd 2025
A new Bauble Contest has also arrived for those who wish to add their designs to the present claim!

The Vaer Reef NPC Affection milestone quests have been released along with a main quest that ties in at the end of the original Vaer Reef main story. If you've completed the "Poe's Conclusions" quest, you'll have access to it!
A Reef's Hopeful Philosophies • Some time after the events of the great festival, you decide to visit Vaer Reef again and see what's changed.
A Study of Origins • In the process of a trade, Olievar makes a discovery that brings up old memories.
A Tumultuous Romance • Clione wants your help with a momentous occasion.
A Wave of Uncertainty • Pyrifera's troubled and fearful when you visit her, you're prepared to help.
Poe's Great Escape • Poe has an important idea to embark on, will you help her?
The Dastardly Legend • Wras asks you to find him, but is acting squirrelish about what he wants.
A Reflective Shrine Visit • Xarion wants to converse with you about your vision of Vaer.

The following updates have been applied to all Vaer Reef Daily Errands.
- A reroll option with the player choice text "Can I help you with something else instead?" has been added to the beginning of each task.
- This option can be used once per quest completion to generate a new task different from the initial one.
- This option can be used once per quest completion to generate a new task different from the initial one.
- Daily Errands in Vaer Reef can now be completed 3 times/day instead of 7.
- Positive quest ending potato rewards were boosted, increasing daily potato gains from each errand by about 2400 potatoes in total per NPC.
- Affection gained or lost has been increased to be equal to doing 7 quests/day previously.
- Tasks have been adjusted according to the reduced number of dailies each day. Some higher effort tasks such as adventuring have stayed the same or been reduced for better balancing.
- Candied Shell rewards were increased. Dual-stat NPC's now give out a random assortment of two types of Shells instead of one.
- Dialogue has been compressed to fewer total text boxes to lessen clicks.
- Transitions and redirects have been updated to be more streamlined and give users more freedom.
- Quest item hand-in pools have been expanded and updated across the board, this is applicable to all quests on site using these pools.

A total of 135 new items have been released!
New items have arrived in each NPC's chance shop, the following shop stock adjustments have been made:
- A Bonus Prize pool with claims costing an equivalent of 10 spins has been added to each NPC's shop.
- Totems, Pen Expansions, and Wardrobe Expansions, have been moved to each NPC's Bonus Prize pool in their shop instead of being in the chance pool.
- 2+ newly drawn items have been added to each NPC's clothing set, each item with colourations matching that of the existing sets.
- An additional 4th set colour has been added for each NPC, and can be found in their chance shop stock as well as bonus prizes.
- Pet Hatching items and NPC food have been added to the bonus prize pool as well while keeping them in the chance pool.

- 10 new pet species have been released with this update!
- The first 5 are quaint pets whose hatching items are found in Olievar, Clione, and Pyrifera's Shops.
- The other 5 are fantastical pets with certain recipes found in Officiator's Record Office.

The following non-general changes and additions have been applied to the NPC's Quests & Item Pools below. Some of the new shop stock is also displayed! Check out the Clothing Diary for full previews.

- Olievar's Pet Totem task has been changed from equipping a totem to handing in any totem.

- Clione's Pet Affection task's negative affection route now requires only answering riddles and does not require them to be answered correctly.
- Clione's Spin Pyrifera's Shop task now has an additional hidden result for spinning thrice

- Pyrifera's tasks have not changed beyond optimizations.

- Poe's Adventuring task now only requires answering riddles rather than answering them correctly.

- Wras' Adventuring Riddle task now only requires answering riddles rather than answering correctly.
- Wras' Chance Machine task now has an additional hidden result for spinning thrice.
- Wras' Chance Machine task's negative affection route now requires the player have 20+ clothing equipped instead of equipping a totem.
- Wras no longer awards potatoes for spinning his shop, as he desires wealth.

- Xarion's Trading task's negative affection route now no longer requires correct riddle answers.

We've added 8 new clothing items and 1 new pet hatching item to Nico's Boutique. Buttons can be obtained in the Gifting Event as well as the Bauble Contest!

- With the Vaer Balancing Update complete, we have now balanced and updated all of our existing main towns!
- With the addition of new items as well as bonus prize pools for NPC shops, we're aiming to make it so that certain items are obtained by choice rather than by chance. For example, the pen expansions were being dropped too often and filling up inventories without any purpose, now they can be picked up only if the user wants one.
- The bonus prize and shop stock updates have opened up the possibility of adding new items more easily to NPC shops in the future within smaller content updates.
- We'll now be fully focused on the Trades Market, Pet Accessory Market, and Custom Market updates, and also working on new content with the rest of our team.
- We're excited for what the future brings and proud of what we've achieved so far!

We hope you enjoy this update, thank you for supporting and playing Dappervolk! We'll be back with more updates soon.
coolio i just wont do them 👍
on ther other hand, "he desires wealth" is probably the funniest thing i've read today
Excited to explore the new content and collect the new items/pets!