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May 7th Update!

Hello everyone! This update is here to launch the Custom Maker submission queue as well as to introduce some new items to Agnes' Shop! We'll also be outlining the next update below. Thanks for reading!


What are Custom Makers?
Custom Makers are legendary rare items that all NPC shops have a chance of dropping. If you obtain one, you can visit the submission page, along with the FAQ here!

Queue Production Info
Custom pets and items are drawn by official site artists. We will be completing one batch of custom content per month, the size of the batch depending on our overall art work load that month.

Custom Pet Rarity
Custom pets will now all be Mythical rarity rather than the existing Quaint, Fantastical, and Legendary rarities. Mythical rarity pets have the stats and affection of Fantastical pets but also have a chance at being born with luck, similar to legendary pets.

Custom Item/Pet Copies
There will be a way to buy copies of your custom item/pet added some time next month, once some completed designs are added to the system. We'll provide more details on this function when we finalize them!

If you are a Kickstarter Backer for the Custom Maker Tiers:
Please include the item redemption code associated with your Kickstarter bundle in the description area and after verifying that you're the backer, we will expedite your place in the queue to the front. If you've misplaced your code, your Kickstarter/Backerkit email that you pledged with can also work. Please send in a ticket to double check if unsure!

Agnes has some items with new functions in stock in her Perpetual Shop! This should help add some variety to her shop stock as well as provide some functions that have been popularly requested by our community.


Pet Nature Refresher Potion
A round bottle swirling with colours. Use this on your pet to refresh its nature once at random.


Maximum Lot Expansion Ticket
A ticket stamped with red wax. Use this item to expand your maximum Trades Market lots by 5. Your maximum lots can be expanded by up to an additional 30 slots using this ticket.


Maximum Outfit Save Slot Expansion
An ornate pink ribboned hammer. Use this item to expand your maximum Wardrobe Outfit Save Slots by 1. Your maximum save slots can be expanded by up to an additional 6 using this item.


Maximum Pet Pen Expansion
A carved wooden hammer. Use this item to expand your maximum Menagerie Pet Pens by 1. Your maximum pens can be expanded by up to an additional 30 using this item, for a total of 50 pens.

Note: An "Additional x amount" in this case means that the upgrades will stack on top of your basic/premium amount of slots for each of these items.

  • Kickstarter Designer Backer Content Update
  • Louise Hill Riddle Contest Results
  • Item Outline Updates
  • Additional Content (Items, Alternate colour items, Pets, etc)


  • Villager Vio (#8758) 7 May 2021, 1:25 am
  • Villager jos (#50292) 7 May 2021, 1:26 am
    they be listening to us
  • Villager Sora (#689) 7 May 2021, 1:26 am
    Yes was really hoping for an item to let us have more saved outfit slots
  • Villager Tailish (#45734) 7 May 2021, 1:29 am
    "Custom pets will now all be Mythical rarity" Super glad to hear this, thank you for listening to the user threads that brought up concerns with the initial randomized rarity!
  • Villager Tealwing (#21495) 7 May 2021, 1:32 am
  • Villager scrub (#20092) 7 May 2021, 1:32 am
    Thank you for the Mythical rarity!! Also very excited about the pet nature refresher potion and all the expansion items. I do store my outfits in a hammer :D
  • Villager Sovereignty (#19015) 7 May 2021, 1:32 am
    oh boy random my favourite nature. /s
  • Villager scrub (#20092) 7 May 2021, 1:33 am
    Well, the randomized luck stat is still a bit meh, but it is an improvement. >.<
  • Villager Valenrhyme (#2488) 7 May 2021, 1:54 am
    I'm frustrated by how expensive it is to buy the outfit slot expansions. I am used to sites that have no limit where I have hundreds of outfits saved. 500 turnips for just one more slot is very pricey imo
  • Villager RockyDrago (#22229) 7 May 2021, 2:25 am
  • Community Manager Elkcrown (#3063) 7 May 2021, 2:37 am
    decent update. Pricing needs adjustments since its too expensive for what these items do.

    Still kind of shite that custom pet stats are still randomized- especially the luck stat, but its good that they have their own rarity now.
  • Villager Etherella (#51562) 7 May 2021, 3:35 am
    Most of this sounds good, especially resolving the custom queue for the KS people at last. I agree on the price of the outfit slots. Coming from PI where you dress every single pony you own as much as you like and can save umpteen outfits for all of them...I'm not sure if I will use that feature. It's 2.5 other Agnes items for one slot :/

    Otherwise, the sentiment behind the developments I approve of.
  • Villager arenic (#50676) 7 May 2021, 3:50 am
    congrats to everyone who was waiting for the custom queue!
  • Villager Kerberos (#39752) 7 May 2021, 3:58 am
  • Villager Hex (#148) 7 May 2021, 4:15 am
    Welp, I won't be buying any of the expansion items, even though I would love to expand my amount of pens. Please stop making everything so expensive and using untradeable premium currency.
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