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End of July 2020 Update!

Hello everyone! We've got a new update for you on a bunch of upcoming things as we near the end of the month!


Ever since the site launched, we've been very excited for players to finally get to experience the Guilds system that we've invested quite a bit of time into developing! However, there have been some new and unanticipated bugs discovered recently onsite that directly tie into core Guild functions, which would ultimately be game-breaking if left unchecked. Since these bugs tie into major aspects of Guild functionality, we've made the tough decision to temporarily close Guild creation until we can make sure it's in fully working order. Some of these new bugs include:
  • Quest Task Tracking Issues - Directly impacts the guild upgrade and leveling system.
  • Forum Permissions Issues - Impacts the guild forum experience.
  • Live Chat Issues - New issues with server routing have impacted the live chat functionality.
  • Misc Smaller Issues - Ie. Tooltip/mouseover glitching, 404 errors occurring after various updates since launch, etc.

The Guild system is a major undertaking with a great deal of coding intricacies, so we'd like to give our developers the time they need to make sure that we are putting our best foot forward with this feature for everyone to be able to enjoy to its fullest potential. Thank you so much for your patience, we can't wait to see all of the amazing guild communities that players will create!

We're anticipating at least a couple of weeks from now to get Guilds fixed up, but we'll be working as hard as we can to get it to you as quickly as possible. We'll be updating everyone as soon as possible with as much advance notice as we can, once we know when we can re-open Guild creation!

In the meantime, we'll be creating a Guilds subforum for our community to plan out their guilds in advance. Our dedicated moderators will be assisting in moving existing Guild threads over to this subforum for a more concentrated browsing and hang out area!

We're also releasing a Guilds FAQ with info that we know most of you have been interested to know. Visit the Guilds FAQ here!

We'll be starting a new riddle contest during the coming month, where everyone in the community is invited to submit their most creative Adventuring riddles themed around our first Adventuring location: Louise Hill!
Stay tuned for the full contest details, coming soon!

All riddles that are selected will become permanent additions to Adventuring, and their authors will receive a Turnip currency prize. All entrants will have a chance to win some additional raffled prizes as well!
We are also excited to announce that we have a planned Summer Event that will take place some time in August! A news update with more details about the event will be released approximate a week before it will be set to begin.

As a bit of a sneak peak, we will be bringing back our cooperative/competitive event type from our beta testing phase, now featuring new adjustments based on player feedback and a brand new storyline in time for summer! We have a feeling you'll be seeing a few of your favorite early town NPC's in this event — we hope everyone will enjoy it when the time comes!


The Mothlike items will be retiring at the end of July 2020, to be changed over to August's theme along with our planned adjustments to Pai's shop and Premium perk additions!


All monthly shop items will eventually be very rarely obtainable through a new feature which will be released a few months down the line.

That's all for this update!
We're working hard behind the scenes to keep everything running
smoothly and to bring out more content! Take care and stay safe!


  • Villager chien_chien (#21482) 24 Jul 2020, 9:24 pm
    WOW amazing!
  • Villager Snivy (#24) 24 Jul 2020, 9:25 pm
    Thank you so much for the guild FAQ!!
  • Villager CaptOcie (#8418) 24 Jul 2020, 9:32 pm
    if it would make it easier i think we don't... we don't really need a live chat function on site? most of us have access to other chat programs like discord, what'sapp, or slack. it seems needlessly complicated and like it would put a lot of stress on the website that isn't needed?
  • Villager Rukumi (#22778) 24 Jul 2020, 9:34 pm
    Thank you for all the effort! Hopefully the bug fixes won't be too atrocious to deal with.
  • Villager Taters (#9357) 24 Jul 2020, 9:36 pm
    Sad to hear about more time to be had before guilds, but the subforum is an amazing idea for until then. I dont use discord so I was pretty much stuck waiting until guilds begin (as most guilds require or prefer you to use it :/) hopefully it will stay active until then. Or maybe Ill just make a site only guild for those like me.

    Cant wait to see the next set and what new things are to come.
  • Villager brooke (#32117) 24 Jul 2020, 9:47 pm
    thank you dappervolk <3
  • Villager Sigilmancy (#19687) 24 Jul 2020, 10:12 pm
    I fully appreciate the update, but a few things -

    1) Yes to what CaptOcie said; there's really not a need for a live chat function on site, especially if it'll strain the servers and cause problems. For people who want that element there's discord and other services that do it as their primary thing and thus do it better.

    2) You guys do realize that a starting limit of 20 people is going to royally mess up a lot of people, right? I'm already in a guild discord and we're waiting on the one site element to be ready, and we have around 60 people in the discord and at least 10-15 more hanging out here who don't. You're putting the onus on the guild leaders to decide who they want to let in with the first slots, and that's going to cause a lot of problems.

    3) FAQ should be updated with an upper limit of guild members and guild levels, or say that there really isn't one, or that it's x for now but will change if people start meeting those limits and need more. Because if the limit is say 100 people it's not fair that a smaller guild of 15 gets to have all its members, but a guild of 102 can't have all theirs and it's super not fair to make guild leaders pick when the slots start getting full.

    Excited for the contest and the event, happy about the changes made to the monthly shops based on the feedback, concerned that guild leaders are going to fall under heat when guilds can open because they've got more people wanting in that they have slots, especially for guilds that have already kind of pre-established themselves and have running communities when the actual on site guilds open.
  • Villager Eden (#1510) 24 Jul 2020, 10:12 pm
    That sounds fun! I look forward to it.
  • Villager Scoutie (#20658) 24 Jul 2020, 10:23 pm
    I'm so impressed by the Dappervolk team. I can't express how appreciative I am that they took the time to read players' thoughts about the RLC chance machines and quickly made changes.
  • Villager shrooms (#37440) 24 Jul 2020, 10:24 pm
    excited for the august monthly items! i can't believe summer is halfway over...
  • Villager Astraleaf (#17183) 24 Jul 2020, 10:35 pm
    I don't mind Guilds starting with only 20 members, now that I know that number can be upgraded; I just hope it can be upgraded to a high number like 100...

    That is insane that someone's already got 60+ people interested in their guild. O.o Very impressive! I suppose that guild will just have to pick twenty starting members who vow to do everything they can to upgrade the guild size as quickly as possible. We've all got a couple weeks to figure out who the most active people are.

    I agree that Live Chat isn't necessary on this site, if it's going to cause all sorts of problems. My Guild-to-be already has a Discord server and I'm sure lots of others do, too.

    Thanks for all the info regarding Guilds!
  • Villager Sigilmancy (#19687) 24 Jul 2020, 10:40 pm
    Astraleaf (#17183)

    Yeah but how do you monitor that? Active in the discord or on the site thread =/= active for parts that the guild would entail. And I know we're not the only one out here with a lot of potential members. The founders shouldn't have to pick and choose, that's not a fair burden to place upon them.
  • Villager Astraleaf (#17183) 24 Jul 2020, 10:50 pm
    Sigilmancy (#19687)

    You'd mainly have to go by who the most active chatters are. You could set up an application form on the Discord for people to apply for a spot in the first 15 (Leader+Founders take five slots), then pick the first 15 names randomly in a lottery, that would be fair.

    Alternatively, if you really have that many people ready to go on Day One, make a second guild, a "feeder" guild, sort of a waiting room, where people can play and hang out while they wait to get into the main guild. Once everyone's in the main guild, you can dissolve the backup guild or keep it as a newbie application place / hangout / whatever.

    It's not a perfect solution, but it does give your Guild more room to play on Day One, giving more people a chance to experience Guilds sooner.
  • Villager Sigilmancy (#19687) 24 Jul 2020, 11:04 pm
    Astraleaf (#17183)

    No offense, but do you even know what it takes to make a guild? It's a lot of affection, a lot of potatoes, and people willing to found that guild with you. The reason not a single one has been created yet is because of those restrictions, most notably the affection gates. You aren't going to get people making one guild and then a second one for people to chill until they can get into the main guild, that's way too much work.

    There are fair ways to do it, like a random lottery system. First 15 people? Not fair, because timezones are a thing. I could get left out even though I'm one of the most active people if the founders post it when I'm sleeping. And as I said, it is not at all fair to put the burden of deciding who gets in first on the founders.

    Especially because we have no idea what the upper member limit is, if there even is one. Will it be 50? 100? Can we just keep buying slots to say add in 20 more people infinitely? We don't know.

    A lot of stuff was cleared up in this update, I know asking if we could swap the town our guild was in after it was founded was a huge one. But there's now other questions people have, and problems to be tackled. I'd like to know how the dev team intends to do handle these issues - is it going to be left up to the founders to decide who gets in when and have that pressure placed upon them, or now that it's been pointed out will things change?
  • Villager ThornPuck (#5589) 25 Jul 2020, 12:12 am
    Good luck with the bug squashing! May they be isolated and not cause now bugs to pop up. >.>
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