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Monthly Shop & Premium Changes!

Hello everyone, we are happy to be back with a major announcement regarding our plans and changes for the monthly shops and premium account upgrades! We sincerely apologize that we couldn't get this post out to you all sooner, as we needed time to discuss this matter with the team as well as to make sure the coding aspects of our decision would be possible in the backend. As always, thank you so much for your patience!
Originally, our vision was for the site to be a quaint dress-up style game with spinny gumball-type machines to get fun prizes from, as many of us had fond experiences and memories of these when we were younger. This concept was the inspiration behind all of our shops, including the monthly ones! When we released the very first test version of our Turnip monthly shop during beta testing, we got a lot of helpful feedback that eventually led us to make the following changes and additions to the feature during closed development:
  • Offered all Turnip monthly items in one set price box.
  • Allowed for future opportunities to obtain retired monthly items instead of retiring them permanently.
  • Lowered the spin price in Pai's shop, taking into account that turnips are based in CAD.
  • Extended the free item claim expiration limit to 3+ months.
  • Made spin points non-expiring.

Genuine effort was put into trying to find a happy balance of all of the suggestions we received during beta and our original vision for the feature. We had hoped that these changes would remove the harmful aspects of an RLC chance machine, particularly with the addition of the ability to buy a full set of Pai's items for a set price; however, we've read through and listened to all of your recent feedback and have realized that this was not enough. It was never our intention for Dappervolk to engage in harmful aspects of RLC chance machines, so we have decided that it is our moral responsibillity to remove the chance aspect of this feature.

Changes Going Forward
Starting on August 1st, 2020 players can expect to see the following changes to this feature:
  • "Pai's Machine of Wonders" will change to "Pai's Shop of Wonders"
  • Pai's chance machine will change into a permastock shop (all items at a set price with infinite stock for that month), with free claims and purchase points intact from June & July's records.
  • Each item in Pai's Shop from August onwards will cost 200 turnips and will be purchaseable individually.
  • "Spin Points" will be converted into "Turnips Spent" which will not expire; each spin point will convert into 180 Turnips Spent.
  • Users will be able to claim a free item after spending 2000 turnips in Pai's Shop.
  • Free item claims will still expire in 3 months and work the same way they do now.

Tied in with our Monthly Shop changes, we'd also like to add some additional upcoming perks to our Premium Badge that will be added from August 2020 onwards!
  • Since we're changing Spin Points into Turnips Spent, premium users will receive +600 Turnips Spent bonus per month in Pai's Shop of Wonders.
  • Premium users will be able to use a premium-only forum post border through the duration of their premium status.
  • Premium users will get +1 additional wardrobe save slot for a total of three additional saved outfits for premium users.

We will be posting the updated Premium Perks information into a thread in the Site Announcement forum, which will also be linked to from Agnes' Perpetual Shop.

Thank you for all of the patience you've afforded us thus far as we work to improve Dappervolk! We're excited to bring you more fun events and build upon the site step by step over time!


  • Villager Teamfailboat (#23909) 9 Jul 2020, 9:25 pm
    Thank you for these changes, really happy that the communities concerns were listened to.
  • Villager Castle (#28327) 9 Jul 2020, 9:38 pm
    very, very nice to see this change.
  • Villager Forelle (#2921) 9 Jul 2020, 9:39 pm
    Thank you for improving this massively, staff!
  • Villager helvetekult (#14818) 9 Jul 2020, 9:47 pm
    how do i get premium?
  • Villager fairywren (#4265) 9 Jul 2020, 10:19 pm
    This is super nice to see, thank you so much for listening. I rarely see petsite staff who are as considerate and who try as hard to be cool about everything as you guys.
    Gambling is one of the most insidious blights currently wracking every sphere of gaming, so to listen and take a stance against it means a lot.
  • Villager Realm (#24227) 9 Jul 2020, 10:22 pm
    bless you staff!
    still hoping for more perks for premium but this change for the shop is very wonderful and i love that you guys listened to the users.
    cant wait to see this site grow <3
  • Villager Aru (#25587) 9 Jul 2020, 10:26 pm
    Way better!
    And this was handled very well, it surely ain't easy to get such serious complaints so early after launch, but yet the problem got resolved quickly.
    Thanks for not only listening to the concerns but also taking action!
  • Villager Terracotta (#4488) 9 Jul 2020, 10:43 pm
    Thank you so much for making these changes and removing the premium gacha! It's very appreciated that you guys are listening to feedback!
    The only thing I wonder now is does this mean Oran's Shop is still going to be a potato gacha meaning the monthly set is still split across multiple shops? I really want the opportunity to pay for the full monthly set of all items from Agnes not just from Pai's Shop.
  • Villager Kodex (#371) 9 Jul 2020, 10:56 pm
    I liked the previous system, but this one sounds great as well, and it's great to see the devs listening to feedback!
  • Villager Paimon (#27893) 9 Jul 2020, 11:34 pm
    huge thank you for actually considering the concerns
  • Villager xxxx (#27909) 10 Jul 2020, 12:05 am
    Thank you! This sounds much better!
  • Villager Mystik (#6014) 10 Jul 2020, 12:11 am
    I am impressed that you indeed listened to the community and behaved responsibly, well done!
  • Villager Dragons (#30696) 10 Jul 2020, 12:17 am
    Beyond impressed!

    Thank you for taking the time to read through feedback and improve on the game.
    A lot of people will be unhappy that they can't get all the items they want entirely for free by working for them but I think a lot of us understand that this is the way you draw profit from the game to keep it running and I personally feel like this is fair.
  • Community Manager Elkcrown (#3063) 10 Jul 2020, 12:23 am
    I'm glad that there's finally steps being made towards listening to user feedback, even if its two years late. (I mean seriously... People have been advising you all against this since beta...)

    Hopefully these kinds of things wont happen again and the site staff will be able to recover the trust that was lost between staff and users, although i feel like that wont happen until the next point im about to make-

    There has still been no acknowledgement that not being able to provide ACCURATE AND PROPERLY EXPLAINED information about premium features ANYWHERE on site before launch, causing the "misunderstanding" (Which puts blame on the users as well, when things were clearly advertised as "bonus prize" which insinuates a full item, not points/turnips spent). This is purely developer-error and I would like to see that acknowledged. I do not care if premium does get the free item thing or not, I just care that staff actually sees that it was their fault for being unable to provide accurate information on time, and only providing it in a news post when there was public outcry. (Which, by the way, great that there's some actual info- now put that info in agnes' shop for god's sake.)

    I think part of the community could have been sated if status posts regarding suggestions would also have been more detailed, so not just "We're reading all feedback" but actually point out what feedback you are currently working with i.e "We are currently reading and discussing all feedback in regards to the premium gachapon, and will be discussing with the staff/coders what we could do to improve it.". It gives actual transparency on what is going on behind the scenes, rather than a vague catch-all.
  • Villager shrooms (#37440) 10 Jul 2020, 12:26 am
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