The last of the slumber party attendees have drifted off into dream land, and Nico collapses into a cushion. What time of day is it?

Welcome to the final installment of the Anniversary Festivities! Thank you for participating thus far, may you enjoy the Gala and rest well at the slumber party until celebrations end on July 12th!
You may have noticed the polls being up at the top of each Anniversary news post, stay tuned for a community created item at the end of the event!

With this final installment, you may also notice a new interaction within the Pearl Gala quest.

After putting together the rest of the Slumber Party supplies, Nico collapses into a heap of blankets and pillows clearly exhausted but with a satisfied smile.
Sleepily, they reflect that perhaps this was just their subconscious way of getting themself to finally take a good rest. They're so used to constantly being busy that it's been difficult to slow down once in a while.

Don't forget to enter the Avatar Contest and Custom Giveaway if you haven't yet! They're both ending at the end of July 3rd, so this is your 24 hour notice!

Another Custom Giveaway will be going up later in the month that will be on site only - open to non-first time owners as well to make up for the empty cycle from May.

We'd like to extend a huge thank you to everyone - veteran or newbie - for spending time in the world we're building with Dappervolk! We're looking forward to what's to come and taking these steps together with our community. Here's to the future and all of its possibilities!
The drop rate for trinkets feels extremely low. I've done a ton of alchemy and only gotten 2 trunks and I haven't seen any random events. I worry that there's not enough currency granted from the quests to cover even a full set of the new items which would be really frustrating. Not to mention the quests don't always give the same amount of trinkets which is also a pain. I love seeing all the new items but they should be obtainable, especially for newbies.
It'll be neat to see the 'community created item' once its done.
Maybe next year to actually make it feel more like a celebration we can see whats been implemented that year, or like what accomplishments have been made, who won contests, etc. It'd be nice to have a sort of review of the year.
And I also agree with the above comments, the event needs to be lengthened or trinkets need to be upped in the daily. There's simply not enough trinkets to buy everything from this year, let alone those who want last years' items too.
It also doesn't help that the items that people would actually want multiples of (the pets) are the most expensive.
maybe reminder posts about the shop closing like we do for pai/oran would be helpful...
i coulda bought 1 more or each pet ;_;