Nico is hurriedly preparing for both the Pearl Gala as well as something else. Intrigued, you ask them what's going on, and without context they ask you to pick between three different decorations. What do you choose?

Welcome to Dappervolk's 4th Anniversary Celebration! We're so happy you're here with us to indulge in the festivities of both the Pearl Gala and Nico's Pajama Party.
EVENT DURATION ♦ June 21st - July 12th

While helping out with an abundance of orders for the Pearl Gala, Nico is beginning to feel the fatigue and has decided to also simultaneously organize a slumber party for Gala goers to have some restful nights away from their hastily built travellers' tents.

The busy tailor is nothing if not motivated, always planning things even if what they truly need is a good long nap.
The Pearl Gala Gift Shop has been stocked with various sleep wear for the Pajama Party, with more being added as Nico churns out new designs.

All new items this year can be obtained from completing "The Pearl Gala" quest and other Peddler's Port dailies for a week.

The Pearl Gala returns in full force this year, with all items returning in the gift shop as well as trinkets being given out through many avenues.

Pearl Trinkets can be used to buy Anniversary items.
They can be obtained in the following ways:
- Anniversary Daily Quest: "The Pearl Gala"
- Agnes' Daily Gift Quest
- Officiator's Official Token Exchange Quest
- Random Events
- Random Alchemy
- Starry Night Minigame
- Adventuring
- Participate in the Pearl Gala Avatar Contest

There is an Avatar Dress Up Contest open throughout the event!
All contest submissions close on July 3rd, 11:59PM DVT to allow time for judging, and prizes will be distributed in time for all currency to be spent.

4 New Nico's Prize Boutique items have also been added to the shop!



The Party Hat item alchemy chain is back!

There will be two more installments of new Pajama Party items coming up in the next two weeks!

There is a Custom Maker Giveaway coming up in a couple of days, we'll be giving out one maker in the on site giveaway thread and one through social media! The links will be posted in a news post when released.

Thank you so much for playing and supporting Dappervolk all this time, we'll be back soon with more updates!
Can we have more than one option?