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Upcoming Winter Festivities!

Hello everyone! Our very first Winter Festivities officially begin on...
The event will be active for 2 weeks, ending on March 18th, 2021
Any extensions/adjustments will be announced as the event progresses.

Here is a quick overview of what the event will include...

The Present Tree with Agnes
An event page with a gift exchange tree, tasks to help wrap presents, and additional prizes for donation milestones!

Winter Event Questline
There will be a series of quests which include a seasonal daily quest that take you through February's deity lore!

Earning Event Currency
Event currency will be earned through the various event features, quests, and threads as well as through site mechanics! Details on this will come with the main event news post update when it begins.

Agnes' Seasonal Winter Shop
A seasonal event shop that accepts event currency items will open 3 days after the start of the event. The 3-day delay is to give staff some time to gauge player activity and how much currency is generated in this new event type - in this way, we can better balance the event shop pricing for everyone! The shop will remain open for a few extra days after the end of the event as well to allow time for purchases.

Winter Festivities Contest Threads
We'll be hosting a few small contest threads including a mini Creativity Prompt thread, Avatar Dress-up contest, and Present Bauble Decoration!

We were originally planning for the event to begin within February, but due to unforeseen delays, it will now begin in the beginning of March. Thank you for your patience as we iron out our seasonal features during the first year of the game.

We're excited to bring you both a full event feature that's completely new as well as additional activities and event threads! We'll be keeping up closely with feedback and taking note of adjustments and improvements to make throughout the event. At the end of the event, we'll be posting a conclusions news post which will include future event adjustment plans for this event type as well as our plans for future events down the line.

We will be trying something a bit different for March's limited monthly items. We've been working on a smaller limited clothing set as well as some new seasonal and semi-permanent content such as recipes, pets, and new ways to obtain them. We're hoping to make the monthly updates more fun in this way as well as looking for ways to lighten our artist's work load in order to work on more upcoming things! More details on this will come with the arrival of the new month.

In the meantime, the Butterfly Mystic items in the monthly shops will remain until the end of February!

Thank you for your support as always, we'll see you again soon!


  • Villager Xyn (#32511) 26 Feb 2021, 11:33 am
  • Villager Cassio (#19969) 26 Feb 2021, 11:33 am
    Pets, you say? Exciting!
  • Villager Aozora (#21679) 26 Feb 2021, 11:33 am
    This is exciting! :D
  • Villager brooke (#32117) 26 Feb 2021, 11:34 am
    i am so ready for another cutie pet. ty for the update
  • Villager Capra (#20595) 26 Feb 2021, 11:35 am
    Looking forward to the festivities :0
  • Villager Vena (#20184) 26 Feb 2021, 11:35 am
    Looks like March is going to be an exciting month for DV! I can't wait!
  • Villager Rung (#37151) 26 Feb 2021, 11:35 am
    Thanks for the info, curious to see the event :)
  • Villager Sciencing (#1210) 26 Feb 2021, 11:35 am
    Sounds promising, excited to see what comes of both the first and the fourth!
  • Villager Khroma (#35323) 26 Feb 2021, 11:36 am
    Thank you for the hard work! Excited to see the new event and monthly set!
    Really excited for more pets! <3
  • Villager pamina (#49212) 26 Feb 2021, 11:38 am
  • Villager Vysal (#679) 26 Feb 2021, 11:38 am
    pets pets pet!! thank you for the update dv!
  • Villager Lord (#247) 26 Feb 2021, 11:39 am
    PLEASE monthly pets or even pet recipes as apart of a set. I long for more regular pet releases and will throw money at more babes to collect!! Lots of exciting stuff here, big thanks to the devs!
  • Villager luckybarbarian (#14932) 26 Feb 2021, 11:45 am
    monthly pets sound fun! cant wait to see the event and hear how the site takes feedback on how it goes!
  • Community Manager Elkcrown (#3063) 26 Feb 2021, 11:45 am
    mildly concerned that we'll have a rerun of the autumn event shop pricing.

    Please do NOT assume the high activity and currency acquiring from the first three days will last for the entire event, because we'll get the same issue of the prices being based off of first-rush and not the average.
  • Villager KindJoey123 (#40112) 26 Feb 2021, 11:46 am
    excited :D
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