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The Frog Pond • Pt 1

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A small pond sheltered by ferns, abuzz with the serene sounds of chirps and insects. Floral lanterns twinkle invitingly to any visitors and more importantly, frogs. Will you help Paulie the frog on his eternal frog quest?


Welcome to the Pond! This is the first installment of a two part frog update - complete with a new area, NPC, daily quest, shop, and a small gathering event coming up!

Here is an overview of the two parts of this update.


  • Arrives between May 20th-25th
  • Gathering Event for participation trophy and additional frog coins
  • Additional clothing items added to Paulie's Shop
  • More Pet Species added


Through Paulie's daily quest "Paulie's Dream," you can obtain Frog Coins to spend at his shop! He will require many potatoes over time for you to help him achieve his dreams of a frog family as well as accumulate rewards. Occasionally, you may also receive Tadpole Tokens - these can be alchemized into Frog Coins.


The Officiator also has a few new recipes pertaining to frog items you might be interested in once you've amassed a frog coin fortune.


Here are the fresh new shop items available with the part one update! There are 12 clothing, 2 hatch items, and 5 food items to collect.

There are also 2 new quaint pets available!


Between May 20th - May 25th we'll be releasing part two of the frog pond content! We're parcelling it out in part due to some php related bugs and in part to also test out smaller but more frequent content updates. The frog pond will also get new content and stories periodically to replenish the potato sink!

We hope you enjoy your time at the pond, thank you for playing and supporting Dappervolk as always!


  • Villager gatorbrush (#37805) 14 May 2024, 1:35 am
    dreams really do come true
  • Villager Amael (#8378) 14 May 2024, 2:08 am
    "Occasionally, you may also receive Tadpole Tokens"
    But...but! I only got these! xD
  • Villager LooseBoots (#59014) 14 May 2024, 4:58 am
    All the new items look great! More coming? Awesome~

    Is this new area, open forever or as a event location?

    The rares are the hatching items?
    Oh no, going to be hard to get one :(

    Full of hope for the second part!
  • Villager Stars (#5748) 14 May 2024, 7:05 am
    First, I love the items, they're super cute, and Paulie is sooo adorable as well.

    But... why in god's name are we introducing yet another currency? I understand wanting a potato sink, but yet again, the amounts of potatoes asked of you from Paulie is not new or casual player-friendly. This is going to add EVEN MORE grind to the game for people who don't have hours a day to spend on the other super grindy aspects of the game.

    For once, I wish an element would be added to the game that is simple and straightforward, because it's new players we desperately need. Who cares if it's easy for existing veteran players? I say all of this with love for the game, but it gets exhausting always hearing about how we want to make the game more accessible to new players, yet every newly-added element is just SO grindy or expensive.
  • Villager satyrgatyr (#43977) 14 May 2024, 7:14 am
    Did anyone ever say that DV's artificial time gates were fun … as much as I like the items I am not excited to be doing the same quest everyday for the next month just to get frog coins on top of needing potatos. I was expecting frog items for flat sale potatos like Nico’s, and Paulie’s flavor text could’ve gone in regular dailies that give potatos. Having a dozen untradeable currency types is annoying.
  • Villager SeaBanshee (#43811) 14 May 2024, 7:25 am
    More gambling, why ? I don't understand why this gotta have RNG, like everything is so RNG-dependant here. It's not fun especially when it's overused.
    I also don't understand the need for an intermediate currency either, like since Paulie wants potatoes, why not sell directly for them ???
    Lastly, how can this work correctly as a potato sink if the number of quests is limited per day ? The limit is unnecessary, adds a grindy/tedious aspect for nothing, and it means that the number of potatoes that are removed from the site is limited, decreasing the sink's effectiveness.

    Overall, despite the big delay I like the new content, it's really cute, but this update is really disappointing with its poor execution sadly.
  • Villager blithely (#42853) 14 May 2024, 7:41 am
    Ohhhh no. MORE gambling?? We thought MORE gambling was a good idea??? The stuff is all cute, but… my goodness. Rock bottom execution.
  • Villager Amelia (#12) 14 May 2024, 8:45 am
    literally... what? cute content but.. DV once again fixes nothing and adds more ways to fracture the userbase based on how much potatoes/money you have.

    1) too many micro currencies is confusing and annoying

    2) a real potato sink would not be MORE rewards for rich users to breeze thru lmao. a potato sink would give you nothing in return for SINKING them
  • Villager brooke (#32117) 14 May 2024, 11:03 am
    aw i heard the radio dj say may 13th is national frog jumping day lol (usa)
  • Villager Moon (#49) 14 May 2024, 7:25 pm
    These items are super cute and I'm looking forward to obtaining them! ... eventually lol

    I am concerned that this seems like an effort to create a potato sink for the ultra potato wealthy but to me (and probably others) it's a huge barrier to content because I don't have the liquid to just pour into this. Seems like there's still a steep advantage for those who are already wealthy to buy up the stock and sell high, I don't think the time gate is going to slow down big rollers enough :/

    I know dappervolk was founded on the idea that there should be balance and many efforts have been made to prevent unfair advantage. Unfortunately the custom system being what it is has created huge gaps in power amount your players, not sure this can be remedied at this point
  • Villager JACKAL0PE (#70146) 15 May 2024, 5:10 am
    *screams* FROGS
  • Villager jotunn (#40203) 15 May 2024, 5:04 pm
    why is it ALWAYS gambling with you guys, and time gates. like WHAT IS IT about this that you think is fun. yes we need a potato sink but WHY this format. whatever
  • Villager Haggard (#14735) 16 May 2024, 5:30 am
    I am going to hold off on judgment until I have seen part two of this update to see how this gathering event works, but I will say I am struggling really hard to wrap my brain around what the thought process was of implementing a time gate around a currency sink.
  • Villager Sinjun (#61938) 17 May 2024, 11:14 pm
    Stop with the gambling.
  • Villager PrayingMantis (#1942) 24 May 2024, 9:09 am
    This is a big potato sink . I managed to get 1 pet before going broke.
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