Welcome to March!

Hello everyone! Welcome to March, we hope you're doing well and marching along!
Our 45th month of limited shops has arrived:
March's theme is the Ophidian Envoy!

A still forest encapsulates a lake and its circular stone temple, not a leaf out of place. Muted rain falls on the steps.

See Full Item Previews here.
What are Turnips & Monthly Shops? Click here for information!

Pai's Shop of Wonders
Pai's Shop of Wonders is stocking these 8 clothing items for 200 turnips each.
A chest containing all 8 items is available at 1500 turnips - a discount of 100 turnips!
Ophidian Envoy ♦ Arm Guard, Helm, Shoulder Guards, Ponytail, Rags, Sabatons, Stone Circle, Sword

Agnes' Perpetual Shop
Agnes' Perpetual Shop stocks a chest that contains a set of Pai's 8 shop items for a discounted 1500 Turnips.

Oran's Emporium
Oran's Emporium is stocking these 8 clothing items this month for 9,000 potatoes per spin!
Ophidian Envoy ♦ Bob, Ferocity, Hip Guards, Lips, Sash, Side Guards, Skin, Smoke Tattoos
These monthly shop clothing items will run until March 31st, after which they will be removed to house April's monthly items!
Our 45th month of limited shops has arrived:
March's theme is the Ophidian Envoy!

A still forest encapsulates a lake and its circular stone temple, not a leaf out of place. Muted rain falls on the steps.

See Full Item Previews here.
What are Turnips & Monthly Shops? Click here for information!

Pai's Shop of Wonders
Pai's Shop of Wonders is stocking these 8 clothing items for 200 turnips each.
A chest containing all 8 items is available at 1500 turnips - a discount of 100 turnips!
Ophidian Envoy ♦ Arm Guard, Helm, Shoulder Guards, Ponytail, Rags, Sabatons, Stone Circle, Sword

Agnes' Perpetual Shop
Agnes' Perpetual Shop stocks a chest that contains a set of Pai's 8 shop items for a discounted 1500 Turnips.

Oran's Emporium
Oran's Emporium is stocking these 8 clothing items this month for 9,000 potatoes per spin!
Ophidian Envoy ♦ Bob, Ferocity, Hip Guards, Lips, Sash, Side Guards, Skin, Smoke Tattoos
These monthly shop clothing items will run until March 31st, after which they will be removed to house April's monthly items!

With the arrival of the Spring season, a new Seasonal Pet has appeared for the year of 2024!
- The ingredients to make the hatching item can be found in Pai, Agnes, and Oran's shops' Bonus Prize pools.
- The item alchemy recipe is available in your recipe book and shown above.
- This Seasonal Pet will remain in the shops for 3 months and rotate out at the end of May to be replaced by a pet for the next season.
- Seasonal pets are obtainable annually on a rotation! The hatching items can be alchemized at any time of the year.

2023 Spring Shard Pets
The Spring Shards from 2023 have returned to Pai and Agnes' Shops this year at a flat rate of 500 turnips, and Oran's Bonus Claim. Alchemize 3 Spring Potion + 2 Spring Ribbon to create the Spring Fruit hatching item!

2022 Spring Shard Pets
The Spring Shards from last year have returned to Pai and Agnes' Shops this spring at a flat rate of 500 turnips, and Oran's Bonus Claim. Alchemize 3 Spring Seed + 1 Spring Soil + a Mixer Potion to create the Spring Fruit hatching item!

2021 Spring Shard Pets
The Spring Shards from last year have returned to Pai and Agnes' Shops this spring at a flat rate of 500 turnips, and Oran's Bonus Claim. Alchemize all 4 Shards + a Mixer Potion to create the Spring Stone hatching item!

To access the event quest, visit the new seasonal area -
The Spiralwood! Go to the World Map and find it just east of Aviar Cove.

The Spiralwood! Go to the World Map and find it just east of Aviar Cove.

- Speak to Lula at the Spiralwood to begin the seasonal quest "Into the Spiralwood"
- There are 3 quests in total to be unlocked in succession.
- "Festival of the Slumbering Snail" is a daily repeatable quest which can be completed 4 times per day.
- Winding Shells are the currency for Lula's Festival Booth, obtained through seasonal event quests in the Spiralwood, Random Encounters, Random Item Alchemy, Starry Night Minigame, Adventuring Rewards
- A couple of new items will arrive in the next few days.

Visit the Theater and click on the "CHECK REWARDS" button to see the new rewards!

The Carnival has shuttered its gates until next winter, thank you for attending!

This month, the art development stream will take place on...

A status post with a link to the stream will be posted when it begins!
We'll be working on wishes from the Wishing Well thread.
Hope to see you there!
This month, the art development stream will take place on...

A status post with a link to the stream will be posted when it begins!
We'll be working on wishes from the Wishing Well thread.
Hope to see you there!
We're just doing final testing now for the Aviar Cove update, and are looking forward to releasing it around the first week of this month! Here is a small pet teaser to tide everyone over until then.

We're looking at releasing a changelog update some time this month with a variety of QoL and UI updates. This includes but is not limited to new forum markup tags allowing the easy posting of items and pets for trading or display purposes, the exciting addition of News Post Polls, a UI update to the login and register pages, and more!
We hope everyone's been having fun with the first Community Manager run forum contest! We're planning to run different types of contests in the future including brand new ones. If you have feedback of any kind, we're interested in hearing it! Our CM's and new Moderators have been helping us a great deal with running the site as well as generating new ideas. We're looking forward to many things in the future!
After the Aviar Update, the next major content update is the time of the Frog. We'll also have more news on updates to our Roadmap and what else we're working on in an upcoming news post.

As always, thank you so much for playing and supporting
Dappervolk. We'll be back with more updates soon!
Base on that hat it wears and its body look kinda like a sponge(used in scrubing the deck of a ship?)
Anyway, amazing new set, I really like the use of timid colors here. Excited for the Aviar Cove revamp as well!
New hatchable is really cute, first time I'll consider wanting a copy of the hatchable in addition to the lil dragon... but I wish some of the seasonal pets would go back to using a mixer potion so there are fewer ingredients!
Hyped for the aviar cove update it’s almost here!
I’m really looking forward to the Cove update! I wonder if it’s going to happen on my wedding anniversary? Lol