Welcome to the 3rd Anniversary!

Hello everyone and welcome to our 3rd Anniversary!
We're so excited to be ushering in the third year of Dappervolk.
Building this community and getting to know everyone over time
has meant a great deal to us, and we have so many plans
for the future that we're excited to share with you all.

" You are cordially invited to the Pearl Gala taking place at Peddler's Port. Wishing you an enjoyable time should you choose to attend. "
Awaiting your Presence,
We're so excited to be ushering in the third year of Dappervolk.
Building this community and getting to know everyone over time
has meant a great deal to us, and we have so many plans
for the future that we're excited to share with you all.

" You are cordially invited to the Pearl Gala taking place at Peddler's Port. Wishing you an enjoyable time should you choose to attend. "
Awaiting your Presence,

Visit Peddler's Port and speak to Officiator to begin the Pearl Gala Anniversary quest!
- The quest is repeatable twice a day, you can obtain Pearl Trinkets to spend in the Pearl Gala Gift Shop!
- After several days, you will be able to choose to attend the banquet.
- After you attend the banquet, you can continue repeating the quest for smaller rewards until the end of the Anniversary festivities on July 5th, 11:59PM DVT!

The Pearl Gala Gift Shop opens June 22nd 12AM DVT
All items from previous years are available in this shop along with the following new items for the duration of the anniversary!


There are 21 new Anniversary items as well as one new pet species!


The Party Hat item alchemy chain is back!

Pearl Trinkets can be used to buy Anniversary items.
They can be obtained in the following ways:
- Anniversary Daily Quest: "The Pearl Gala"
- Agnes' Daily Gift Quest
- Officiator's Official Token Exchange Quest
- Random Events
- Random Alchemy
- Alchemizing 5 Decorations together

Thank you so much for playing and supporting Dappervolk all this time, we'll be back soon with more updates!
Thank you for the hard work this past year!
The new items and pet look so good, love the tones <3
There is just so few places online that I enjoys visiting.
Of course, DV is one of those places~
Oho yeah, have fun, everyone...