Carnival Conclusions!

As you wander the stalls and thrills of the Carnival, you notice
that the lights and festivities are gradually dwindling.

Shopkeepers are preparing to return to their respective towns
along with the many visitors. Some booth owners prepare for a
long travel with the Carnival itself, and bid you farewell until next time.
The Winter Carnival will close at June 21st, 11:59PM.
Thank you for participating in our first Winter Carnival!
We hope everyone enjoyed meeting a new cast of characters, and
the games they offered at their booths. Did you get any big wins?
Here are some end of event stats you might be interested in!
that the lights and festivities are gradually dwindling.

Shopkeepers are preparing to return to their respective towns
along with the many visitors. Some booth owners prepare for a
long travel with the Carnival itself, and bid you farewell until next time.
The Winter Carnival will close at June 21st, 11:59PM.
Thank you for participating in our first Winter Carnival!
We hope everyone enjoyed meeting a new cast of characters, and
the games they offered at their booths. Did you get any big wins?
Here are some end of event stats you might be interested in!
In total, 2203 users participated in wrapping up 203840 gifts in The Secret Gift Exchange!
64 users made 163 submissions in the Bauble Decoration Contest!
63 users made 156 submissions in the Creativity Prompt Contest!
137 users made 337 submissions in the Avatar Contest Thread!
Thank you to everyone who participated in our contests, it's always thrilling to see what people will come up with in our contests and we'll be remembering how fun the Secret Gift Exchange tent looked decorated with everyone's bauble entries!
Here are the different winners we rolled or picked for each contest!

Here are our Staff Team's favourites! All of the submissions were amazing to go through and so difficult to narrow down, we had a great time picking them out! Click on each thumbnail to see the full submission.

DirtyRamen (#71472) ♦ Daisy (#8274) ♦ Sherushi (#20587)

buggleboos (#12249) ♦ AttilaThePun (#58903) ♦ CloudyCatte (#12062)

Jubatajuno (#68935) ♦ Ciphers (#5049) ♦ Celestilium (#37838)

Leonine (#7013) ♦ Elkcrown (#3063) ♦ Ferris_ (#67993)

Greyz (#71871) ♦ puuur (#56257) ♦ BrightShadow (#14875)

L1ttl3W4nderer (#65580) ♦ Crown (#2585) ♦ CopperSunset (#7396)

R000P (#13367) ♦ beanskoala (#60830) ♦ Yawnty (#4812)

LotusMoon (#9931) ♦ MoogleMagic (#50305) ♦ MouseyPounds (#23596)

Museless (#1016) ♦ Notos (#40719) ♦ pantalaimon (#60345)

poppinkiwi (#54688) ♦ Purpsy (#29360) ♦ Johannabelle (#31826)
Visit the thread here to see all Raffle Prize Winners!

All Fefin's Pick winner submissions were added to the Secret Gift Tent as bauble wrapping selections! Visit the thread here to see all Fefin's Pick Prize Winners!
Visit the thread here to see all Raffle Prize Winners!

Here are the outfits that won each round of preliminary voting!

Liminal (#63842) ♦ LotusMoon (#9931)

Iroh (#23603) ♦ Celestilium (#37838)
Here are the preliminary winners and their outfits selected for each round of voting!
Visit the thread here to see all Raffle Prize Winners!

Congratulations to Moonthrilled (#53215) and ivoryandgold (#13937) for winning the thread and social media Custom Maker Giveaway grand prizes!

The Winter Carnival area and additional content and NPC's for it will return every winter season from now on!
Here are some plans for improvements for future events like this that we've accumulated from hosting this event.
- Better balancing for distribution of Decorations, as it was a little bit overtuned this time due to consideration for the number of items available to be obtained.
- QoL and UI improvements for the Gifting event type such as:
- Individual task reroll buttons
- Adding a “GO” button next to certain tasks that will take a user to the page for it (ie. Item Alchemy, Minigames)
- Adding some bonus daily gift giving/embellishment rewards to the event
Our next event is going to be our Third Anniversary celebration and then Kelbi's Event!
Also, hang on to your Decorations as they will be useful in upcoming festivities!

Thank you so much for playing and supporting Dappervolk, we'll be back with more updates soon!
I very much enjoyed meeting Pitre and Cordelia, and my heart has a special little Fefin stamp on it now. Next time, I'd love to see a carnival-themed pen expansion/habitat and forum border as prizes too! <3
Looking forward to the next festivities!
This event was great, I love the NPC’s - especially Cordelia 💕 - and what an amazing amount of beautiful new items! I’m in love with the new owl and pony especially. 😊
Thank you Dappervolk!