Hey there, looks like you just wandered in. Why not have a look around and stay for a while, maybe even start your own adventure, if you're into that.

Welcome to June!

Hello everyone! Welcome to June, we hope you're having lots of fun with the spring festivities!

Our 24th month of limited shops has arrived:
June's theme is the Ravencrypt Vintner!

The guttural call of a dark winged bird sounds like mist across deep waters. A red ring illuminates the moon, warning of calamity and a fall from grace.

See Full Item Previews here.
What are Turnips & Monthly Shops? Click here for information!
Pai's Shop of Wonders
Pai's Shop of Wonders is stocking these 10 items this month for 200 turnips, with a chest containing all 10 items at 1700 turnips.

Ravencrypt Vintner Thorns Ravencrypt Vintner Wide Brim Hat
Ravencrypt Vintner Cloak ♦ Ravencrypt Vintner Arm Wings
Ravencrypt Vintner Lace Jacket  Ravencrypt Vintner Ruffled Skirt
Ravencrypt Vintner Spirit ♦ Ravencrypt Vintner Long Tied Hair
Ravencrypt Vintner Heels  Ravencrypt Vintner Moon on the Lake

Agnes' Perpetual Shop
Agnes' Perpetual Shop stocks a chest that contains a set of Pai's 10 shop items for a discounted 1700 Turnips.

Oran's Emporium
Oran's Emporium is stocking these 8 items this month for 9,000 potatoes per spin!

Ravencrypt Vintner Buckled Hat Ravencrypt Vintner Belted Corset
Ravencrypt Vintner Harness Pouch Ravencrypt Vintner Trousers
Ravencrypt Vintner Scraggly Hair Ravencrypt Vintner Boots
Ravencrypt Vintner Attitude Ravencrypt Vintner Fangs

These monthly shop clothing items will run until June 30th, after which they will be removed to house July's monthly items!

2488-FzkMz7HFxA-summer-seed.pngx3 plus11.png2487-IVD8gNVd35-summer-soil.pngplus11.png  1406-Ur8itr1pJs-mixer-potion.png  equals11.png  2489-B4SmBzqXvE-summer-fruit.png
With the arrival of the Summer season, a new Seasonal Pet has appeared!

  • The ingredients to make the hatching item can be found in Pai, Agnes, and Oran's shops' Bonus Prize pools.
  • The item alchemy recipe is available in your recipe book and shown above.
  • This Seasonal Pet will remain in the shops for 3 months and rotate out at the end of August to be replaced by a pet for the next season.
  • Seasonal pets are obtainable annually on a rotation! The hatching items can be alchemized at any time of the year.

2021 Summer Shard Pets
The Summer Shards from last spring have returned to Pai and Agnes' Shops this spring at a flat rate of 500 turnips, and Oran's Bonus Claim. Alchemize all 4 shards + a mixer potion to create the Summer Stone hatching item!

With the arrival of June, the sparkling one makes themself known. A seasonal quest is now available once again with Trout, simply speak to him in 3's Forest to begin "Trout and the Rainbows of June!"

Every year in June on Dappervolk, rainbows and prisms light up
the landscape anywhere they can. In the sky after a light mist,
in the reflection over a lake, and in the eyes of your loved ones.

This month, the multifaceted one visits fleetingly. Visit the Theater and click on the "CHECK REWARDS" button to see the new rewards!


This month, the art development stream will take place on...
A status post with a link to the stream will be posted when it begins!
We'll be working on wishes from the Wishing Well thread.
Hope to see you there!

Our first round of quest balancing and existing town updates is scheduled for some time in the first half of the month. We're in our final stages of testing and asset preparation, and excited to see what you think!
Here's a more finalized list of daily quest updates as well as new assets and balancing adjustments for the update:
  • Max daily quest completions will be lowered from 7 to 3 per day.
  • Both tasks and rewards will be adjusted and scaled up accordingly. Potato rewards will be raised overall.
  • A Task Reroll option will be available at least once per quest and avoid the task you rerolled from.
  • Dialogue will be condensed together where possible to reduce clicks but not remove written assets.
  • Any transition issues will be adjusted for smoother questing.
  • Each NPC shop will house new items and a new set of recolours.
  • Certain items such as pen expansions and wardrobe expansions will be moved to npc shop bonus claims for more player choice.

We're also working on the 3's Forest balancing update which will happen some time after this month!

June 21st marks our second year since official launch! Time sure flies, and we're so excited to be here with you. We have some small surprises and festivities in store for this anniversary, so look forward to it!

If we were to host a new deity based event this summer, Ivita would be the only deity that doesn't yet have any quests during this season, but time is quite tight since Ivita's month is in July. After some consideration, we've come to the conclusion that there isn't enough time to prepare a fully realized ivita event, and having back to back events with no downtime wouldn't be feasible for our team right now. 

So, instead of an Ivita summer event in July this year, we're planning to work on and launch a new team-based event type some time in late summer with a non-deity theme. The event will be focused around new mechanics and there should be some fun surprises and deviation from the norm, this will be a good way for us to test this event type for the first time and also give us time to prepare a fuller story for Fall. We'll keep you posted on developments, thanks for understanding!

These two items are on our to-do list, and will remain here until they are complete! Our aim currently is to get these items done once some items above are in order.

As always, thank you so much for playing and supporting
Dappervolk. We'll be back with more updates soon!


  • Villager HeartlessDemon (#29883) 1 Jun 2022, 12:16 am
    beautiful set. give
  • Villager Faena (#21691) 1 Jun 2022, 12:18 am
    I love this set!
  • Villager Irukandji (#48360) 1 Jun 2022, 12:18 am
    I'm in love with this
  • Villager Lemonsinasoup (#13968) 1 Jun 2022, 12:19 am
    Cos vibes let's go!!!
  • Villager Clamie_Ty (#51057) 1 Jun 2022, 12:19 am
    Ooh very interesting changes planned!! Super excited, and love the set - thank you so much for all the hard work!
  • Villager Pixietears (#8910) 1 Jun 2022, 12:23 am
    omgomgomg i love this! thank you for the incredible work put into this new update!
  • Villager Rensc (#49700) 1 Jun 2022, 12:25 am
    Raven!! :o
  • Villager WanderLostGirl (#17106) 1 Jun 2022, 12:28 am
    i really hope hearts will be included in the adjustment... otherwise maxing will be nuts XD

    and yassssssss vampires for my birth month!!!!!!! <3<3
  • Villager manders (#34464) 1 Jun 2022, 12:28 am
    Just wanted to let you know there are a couple errors in the monthly item previews post. The "Ravencrypt Vintner Wide Brim Hat" has an incorrect preview, as does the "Ravencrypt Vintner Boots."
  • Villager Daviationsss (#42378) 1 Jun 2022, 12:28 am
    All of this sounds so good I’m so excited
  • Villager DanaSoraya (#6015) 1 Jun 2022, 12:28 am
    Oh I love this set!
  • Villager Sinjun (#61938) 1 Jun 2022, 12:29 am
    Gorgeous set!
  • Villager Cheshire (#1198) 1 Jun 2022, 12:41 am
    I feel targeted. Thank you haha <3
  • Villager DontPanic (#36795) 1 Jun 2022, 12:42 am
    Gorgeous set, and I'm looking forward to trying out the upcoming changes and seeing the new NPC items!
  • Villager Celelie (#63743) 1 Jun 2022, 12:48 am
    Omg, it looks lovely ...
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