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Reporting Comment #2531673 on The Frog Pond • Part 2 by BlackRose (#9895)

So I've been alright with The Frog Pond so far, it's an ok potato sink. It's optional and permanent. Good.

That's what money sinks should be. O P T I O N A L. Not like, "Hey worldhopper, I know you don't have a house but here are your property taxes anyway. Pay up." And oh gosh I probably shouldn't have said that since houses still aren't implemented and I probably gave you all ideas. ;-;

Lol Ok, that bit of joking aside. As others have said, please do not implement taxes on stuff that we already have access to/access to for free. This was tried before by raising prices on Oran's stuff, that didn't go over well, please do not try it again by adding fees to bulk alchemy or trade market lots. No random events/popups that take our Potatoes either. And especially before you start to work on or implement anything, POLLS. Please, just put up polls and ask us.

I know I'm probably a broken record by now with how often I say if so and so doesn't change or if so and so gets added then I'm out of here, but every time I've said that DV has thankfully gone back on their decision which has made me still want to stick around. But I do mean it again this time. If I ever end up having to pay for something that was originally free or if doing stuff around the site randomly takes Potatoes from me, I'm out.
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