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Reporting Comment #1755738 on Custom Site Limit & Ravan Update! by Eventide (#14726)

I kind of feel as if the custom maker limit per person should have a longer cool down than just every 30 days. In seeing customs that have already been released, it seems that just a handful of users already have a monopoly on custom creations, to the point that it's not hard at all to imagine that things will continue as they have been, although now that there's a limit on custom drops, we're going to end up seeing the same six or so people CONSTANTLY being the only ones who get customs one after another once their cooldowns are up. The custom market has only been out for a short while, and I literally can't imagine that anyone is happy with it save for the people who have been benefiting strongly from it.

The fact is, the instant that you receive a custom pet and the rights to it, you've essentially won Dappervolk. It becomes an item that prints potatoes with no upper limit. And when a person's custom cooldown is up, who has the better odds of pulling a custom creator? The person who already has several custom pets that they've sold over the last couple weeks for a few mil, all of which they can use to pull the gacha at Bearnard's shop a few thousand times? Or an average user who can afford a couple hundred pulls? Statistically, the winner here is only ever going to be the richest of users, who will then acquire another custom maker with which to earn more money and instantly win again the next time their cooldown is up.

I'm not a site developer so I don't have the answers here, but I have been a user on sites like this for about 20 years, and seen this sort of system wreak havoc on a LOT of multi-player games. Because DV is still a small site, this is an important thing to consider going forward. A system like this might make the small amount of users who benefit from it really happy, but literally the worst thing a game can do is make itself demoralizing to a big chunk of its playerbase, and this current setup sends a message to new players that they're essentially never going to get this most sought-after item.
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