NOTICE: There was a typo in the new Seasonal Pet Hatch recipe, this is the correct recipe.
We've fixed the recipe text in the news post as well as added the alchemization guard, anyone who alchemized using the incorrect recipe and had it go through will be reimbursed. Feel free to send in a ticket if this happened to you, but we will also be going over our logs to reimburse everyone. Thank you!
The studious and bright retire for the evening, and the winding shell unfurls.
Begin an adventure to The Spiralwood through the World Map.
Pai, Oran and Agnes' shops will temporarily become unavailable at MARCH 2ND at 12:00AM DVTfor 30-60 minutes to release the March Monthly Item sets. The Wolf of the Wasteitems will become unavailable after this month!
The rollover will happen a day into the new month due to workload considerations as well as inclement weather, thank you for understanding!
Our Custom Maker Giveaway is now live! There will be 50 winners who receive Heartfelt or Starry Wish items, and one grand prize winner who will receive their choice of custom maker. Entries will close on February 21st at 11:59PM DVT at which point the thread will be locked and we will begin rolling winners.
Hello everyone! We would like to announce that we will be hosting a Custom Maker Giveaway beginning February 14th at 5 PM DVT to make up for one not being rolled during the last spin cycle. All entrants will also be entered into a raffle to win some of the Starry Wish and Heartfelt items!
The balance of light and shadow fades to the cadence of everlasting curiosity.
Pai, Oran and Agnes' shops will temporarily become unavailable at 12:00AM DVT FEBRUARY 3RD for 30-60 minutes to release the February Monthly Item sets. The Spiced Teamaker items will become unavailable after this month!
There is a bit of a delay on this month's rollover due to health concerns in our team, thank you for your understanding!
Maintenance: We'll be having a quick 5-10 minute maintenance at 6:30AM DVT to prepare for the carnival update later today!
The release of the newest resident of the Winter Carnival will be delayed by a couple of days due to inclemental weather in our staff team. We are hoping to release their quest and shop by the end of January 13th instead!
The pendulum of the deep recedes, making way for the being of light and shadow.
Begin an adventure to Soll's Ruins through the World Map.
Pai, Oran and Agnes' shops will temporarily become unavailable at 12:00AM DVT JANUARY 3RDfor 30-60 minutes to release the January Monthly Item sets. The Luminous Technomanceritems will become unavailable after this month!
We hope everyone is having a great New Year's Eve!
Changelog Update:
A new changelog post is up. It includes some bug fixes and balancing adjustments!
Maintenance: We'll be having a 15-20 minute maintenance at 6AM DVT to push some fixes! A changelog post will be going up once it's over.